20 MAY 1899, Page 25
" God First;" or, Hester :Needham's 'Work in Sumatra. Letters and
Diaries arranged' by Mary .Enfield.- ' 3s.}'-Miss • Needham began liereciivities with sOcial"work at' limn% labouring fir -the Y.W.C.A. and • other good cantles.- 'Thies' Years after her father's death she felt called to another sphere • of useful- nelis; and went to Sumatra, Where she worked for a little Mori than ten years. The story Of this Work- is told With much simplicity and with the most manifest conviction that it 'Woad. prosper In the end.- Then -comes the story orthe end, a pithetic_nerrative of great suffering, endured not With: patience Only, but with the most con- fident hope.