Quaker Campaigns in Peace and :War: :By William Jones. (Headley
Brothers. 6s.)—William Jones went to administer the "War Victims' Fund" of the Society of Friends, first in 1870-71, during and after the Franca-German War, and afterwards in Bul- garia in 1876-77. The story of these services occupies a large, and perhaps the most interesting, part of the book. But the writer has other things to tell us. -Born seventy-three years ago, he has seen many persons of note, and had a share in important events. George Borrow, Edward Pease (who remembered' John' Wesley well), and W. E. Forster were among his friends in early. life. After his ser- vices in France he saw Cardinal Antonelli. Later on he travelled ninth, and has many interesting things • to tell us about both East
and West. .