THEOLOGY.—As Apostk's Correspondence, by the Rev. H. G. D. Latham
(S.P.C.K., 6d.), is an account of St. Paul's Epistles, showing where and to whom and for what main purposes they were written, and what place they fill in the history of the early Church.-----A somewhat similar work, with a larger range of sub- ject, but necessarily going into less detail, is On the Study of the Bible, by Charlotte M. Laurie (same publishers, 6d.), "intended," says the author, "to help girls who have left school or College in their study of the Bible at home."—Unreal the Book, by Mrs. Ashley Carus-Wilson (R.T.S.), deals with the same subject from another point of view. One of its chapters, for instance, is "Right Render- ing," and points out the mistaken inferences that may be drawn from erroneous translation. "Right Setting," again, enforces the necessity of looking at the context, not at isolated texts, but at the whole.—Christian Ethics, by W. L. Davidson (A. and C. Black, is. 6d.), is a well-thought-out treatise on a subject of the highest Importance. This is the best kind of service which a clear thinker who regards the subject without what a hostile disputant might call professional bias can render to the cause of revealed religion. —Saints and Heroes, by Mrs. R. T. Seddon (S.P.C.K.), exhibits, we may say, "Christian ethics" in action. It gives ten sketches of eminent men of action who were convinced believers, among them General Gordon, Bishop Selwyn, Dr. Livingstone, General Havelock, and Father Damien.—Ab .fnferi : Notes on Science and Religion By AL E. Dawson. (S.P.C.K. 6d.)—A Manual of Intercession and Thanksgiring for Missionary Work. By Two Priests of the Diocese of Ely. (Same publishers.)—The Keswick Bible Dictionary. Edited by Walter Baches. (Marshall Brothers. 6d. net.)— " Instead ;" or, Transformations of Grace. By Sophie M. Nugent. (Same publishers.)—The Parallel Psalter (Cambridge University Press, 2s. Gd.) gives, in three columns, the "Prayer-book," the "Authorised," and the " Revised " versions of the Psalms.— Sunday Readings Following the Church's Seasons. By Beatrice Waugh. (S.P.C.K. 2s. 6d.)