, 111 --1 read Nicholas Mosley's excellent article on South Africa with
interest, but I am astonished that kanald Vincent Smith (in his letter last week) should feel that 'South Africa deserves better treatment than this especially at the hands of the Spectator' (alY italics). What, I wonder, led Mr. Smith to expect a Paper which has always spoken up in defence of human rights to deal leniently with a Police State which passes laws which break marriages, separate children from their parents, and which condones the wholesale slaughter of unarmed men; women and children? If Mr. Smith reads his Speclalor regularly, he must he aware of all this, and much more.
To suggest that we ,Mr. Mosley and others who feel as he does, with Mr. Smith thrown in for good measure?) should 'abstain from the smarter forms of superiority' and 'preserve a certain respect when we speak of South Africa' sounds like the cheap gibe of one who is callously indifferent to the late of millions of people already oppressed beyond endurance.—Yours faithfully,
Coleraines, Little Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex