The Aversion Treatment
Sin,--1 have always been happy on previous occa- sions to write to you under my own name and that I cannot on this occasion do so is because it involves admission that I am an......
The Schizoid State Rashid Karapiel, Evelyn Seymer The...
V. D. A.' H omosexual Prosecutions R. D. Reid Zionist Lobby Meir Persoll 'The Trojans' Nigel Sisson, George Richards Christ;an Scientist Attitudes Gehl, A. Plimmer Black and......
, 111 --1 Read Nicholas Mosley's Excellent Article On...
interest, but I am astonished that kanald Vincent Smith (in his letter last week) should f eel that 'South Africa deserves better treatment than this especially at the hands of......
Homosexual Prosecutions
Sut,—Largely owing to your efforts and those of other liberal-minded journals, • the persecution of homosexual people is entering upon a new and milder phase. It is none the......