The Schizoid State Rashid Karapiel, Evelyn Seymer The Aversion Treatment -
V. D. A.' Homosexual Prosecutions R. D. Reid Zionist Lobby Meir Persoll 'The Trojans' Nigel Sisson, George Richards Christ;an Scientist Attitudes Gehl, A. Plimmer Black and White John Macaulay Xipling and Rider Haggard Morton N. Cohen
StR; At the risk of adding to the 'impertinence and irrelevance of much modern British criticism' of the South African situation, I would like to point out to Mr. Ronald Vincent Smith that his tears for the white South African 'on the knife edge of life and death' are a shade too melodramatic for truth or comfort. No one has twisted any arms to force this situation on the Afrikaner: it is the tragic outcome of his own lack of goodwill (to put it no higher— do I mean lower?) to the other races who inhabit his country, an attitude which can only be described as stupid. Of course, the white man has a right to force the issue of his supremacy to a violent con- clusion and this right is in the process of being exercised to the hilt in South Africa. Mr. Ronald Vincent Smith is a little naïve, however, if he thinks the rest of the world is somehow in duty bound to refrain from comment, or more, and to watch the degrading spectacle to its horrible end, happy in the knowledge that here were human beings behaving humanly and after all the best man won, didn't he? No one who thinks intelligently about apartheid Considers 'the establishment of voting equality between races' the solution to all South Africa's problems. In fact, that is, and is admitted to be, of the smallest importance. What is of the greatest im- portance, and what evidently Mr. Ronald Vincent Smith's tears have blinded 'him to, is that human beings must be allowed to live as human beings and not forced into a permanently humiliated and humiliating state of life for no other reason than that their skin is pigmented. That they are thus forced may indeed be human and `no worse than what has happened in comparable circumstances in trle history of any nation,' but what is the meaning of civilisation if every fear-ridden half-witted gang of bullies is allowed to get away with the sort of suicidal nonsense that is going on in South Africa? :Ellis is not the best the white man is capable of; lt is right and proper that other less determinedly fatalistic voices are heard than those Mr. Ronald Vincent Smith would'have us listen to.--Yours faith- fully,
15a Philheach Gardens, SW5