zioNisr LOBBY Sl .nt — If you were not always so quick to
find fault with anything that Israel does (or, in this case, does not do), you would have realised that your post- script to Mr. D. R. Elston's letter in your issue of May 13 is meaningless. Danntant quod non in:el- ':104T! You infer that the International Court of Justice is the be-all and end-all of the Suez Canal dispute. Would that it were! In fact, the ICJ is sub- ordinate to the Security Council, to which Israel has °n many occasions taken her case. If Israel took her case to the ICJ and won it (there is every reason to believe that she might), she has no guarantee that its findings would be carried Out' The United Nations recognises that each Member State undertakes to comply with the de- cisions of the Court in any case to which it is a party. But if any party to a case fails to perform its obli- gations under the judgment rendered by the Court, the other party may have recourse to the Security Council, which may make recommendations or de- cide upon measures to give effect to the judgment kE'eryinatt's United Nations, 1956 ed., p. 37). Then, ,of course, we go round in a vicious circle and come pack to where we started. Even the Security Council is not infallible. The resolution which the Council adopted on September 1, 1951, and which was again Put to the vote on March 29, 1954--calling upon Egypt . . to terminate the restrictions on the pas- sage of international commercial shipping and goods through the Suez Canal, wherever bound. . . ' ecu (Sl Council, 2322)—is still ignored. Why should not an ICJ resolution likewise be ignored? Incidentally, quid pro quo, is there any significance In the fact that the Arab States have not abided by the several resolutions passed by the Security Council towards the , solution of their own most vexing problem—namely, the integration of the Arab refugees in their host countries? It takes two to make a quarrel, but one always has the louder v°1°e•—Yours faithfully. /8 St. Gabriel's Road, NW2 `THE TROJANS'