ACROSS 1 'The same that oft-times hath
- magic casements' (Keats) (7) 5 Permission 'to go round the
mountain for shepherds (7) 9 Sec a couch, divided (5) 10 No ycike-felldw' for him (6-3) 11 How Jemima Puddleduck might take a walk (6) , 12 What the qualitV of mercy is not (8)
14 You can see him in ancient Ostia
(5) 15 I.rise late-and come-to the facts (9) 18 None cares about this sound (9) 20 Question and q'ttestioner (5) 22 Hullo! Lyilitis! involved in time off(8) 2,4 Designer of detention barracks?
(6) 26 Is he behind his lcam? (9)
28 Here one loiters, disturbed• (7)
29 Help from the ship's orchestra in the dining-saloon? (7) DOWN 1 A discouraging liquid when thrown (4, 5) 2 One must be up with the lark to hear these (7)
3 Leo gets a. top decoration (9)
4 The - on antique time would lie unswept' (Shakespeare) (4) 5 A steep rent goes home! (10) 6 Sun• over the footballers. and music (3-2)
7 Outsize male, fifty-one, from the Orient (7) 8 Sounds as if the council gives regretful agreement (5) 13 A very spirited dance! (6, 4)
16 Dental imp, with an ideefixe? (9) 17 Wiry sorts, these spaniels (9)
A first prise of a hook token for one guinea and a second prize, of a book token for fifteen shillingamill ss aitdedlo the senders of the first two 'correct iolutions opened on May31.
Address solutions: Crosswonl No. 1090, 99 Cower St., London, WCI.
Solution on June 3 19 What the barrow boys hope to do isn't treachery (4-3) 21 Valerian planted on brick or stone (7)
22 '- thee, Nymph, and bring with thee Jest and youthful jollity' (Milton) (5) 23 He has a somewhat chequered career (5) 25 No doubt he high-hats his under- lings! (4)