20 NOVEMBER 1976, Page 18

Great and small

Sir: In his recent article Mr Waugh referred to a question I have asked about cruelty in the feeding of geese to provide pcite de foie gra.v. He commented that there are rather more momentous issues than that. 1 fully agree. But with his long experience in the Parliamentary Press Gallery, Mr Waugh should know that MPs have to take up a whole range of issues –some big, some small.

For example, we spend a good deal of our time dealing with blocked-up grids of our constituents. To them these matters are important, just as cruelty to animals is important to some people, too. I do not think Mr Waugh will accuse me of failing to raise the major issues of unemployment, cuts in public spending, peace or other major issues.

Frank Allaun Labour MP for Salford East House of Commons, London SW1