20 NOVEMBER 1976, page 18


Sir : I am extremely flattered that Mr Leslie Finer has once again taken the trouble to read an article of mine about Greece (16 October), and comment on it in print (30......

Great And Small

Sir: In his recent article Mr Waugh referred to a question I have asked about cruelty in the feeding of geese to provide pcite de foie gra.v. He commented that there are rather......


Sir : He who does not now see that our main economic difficulties stem from the attempt to incorporate the UK in a system which does not suit its requirements surely has his......

A Man Of His Time

Sir: It is true, as Professor Johnson argues, that Keynes was a man of his own time and did not discuss many problems which have become topical in the last twenty years. He took......

Overseas Assets

Sir: Nicholas Davenport in his 30 October article points, among other things, t ° Britain's extremely efficient financial systeln and the possibility of pledging oversea s......