Dr. Lushington has announced to the constituency of the Tower Hamlets, that his seat will be declared vacant when Parliament meets and that he intends to offer himself for reelection.
A correspondent of the Courier, evidently fond of a hoax, has sent the following calculation of the result of the City registration to that journal- " The old list of voters almost intact, what arithmetician will reduce the actual gain to the Tories on the present (or rather last past) disputes before the But risters, of which the following is the result ? Reformers succeeded in 94 objections, and failed in '" 6
Ditto ditto 46 claims, and failed in 21 Tories failed in 181 objections, and succeeded.. .260 Ditto ditto 61 claims, and succeeded... 45 Reformers succeeded in 382 cases. Tories succeeded... 382"
Let the account be stated from the same.figures on a different plan—
Tories succeeded in objections 260 Reformers 94 Tory majority — 166 Tories succeeded in claims 45 Reformers 46 Reform majority And the true result will be a Tory majority of 165