An "old Fellow Of The Royal Society" Has Sent The
following letter to the Duke of Sussex, and a copy of it for publication in the Times. We believe that what is said respecting the entertainments at Kensington is correct- ........
At a meeting of the Universal Suffrage Association in Glasgow, last week, it was recommended to the Mimicipal electors not to take any part in the ensuing election of Town.......
A Meeting In Cork On Wednesday Was The Most Important
pro- ceeding that has yet taken place in regard to the report of the Railway Commissioners. At that meeting, which was attended by the leading merchants of the city, it was......
The Son Of Dr. O'reilly, Of Ballitore, In Kilkenny County,
was killed on Tuesday week, under very extraordinary, or at least imper- fectly explained eh eumstances. The Kilkenny Journal gives the follow- ing particulars of the murder- "......
Late accounts from India mention the death of Mr. Sergeant Rough, Chief Justice of Ceylon. l'he Great Western steamer, which brought the news of Lord Dur- ham's resignation,......