The son of Dr. O'Reilly, of Ballitore, in Kilkenny county,
was killed on Tuesday week, under very extraordinary, or at least imper- fectly explained eh eumstances. The Kilkenny Journal gives the follow- ing particulars of the murder- " The deceased left his father's house on Tuesday morning, and arrived by the fly-boat from Athy, at Castle-comer, about seven in the evening; and pro- ceeded iminetliately on Isis way to his father's property at dohnswell, for the purpose of receiving rents. He hail with him his fowling-piece. He entered the yard of a farmer named Comerford, (whose house is somewhat less than half a mile beyond Cskeity Wood, and about three miles from Castlecomer,) and placed himself behind the pier of a gate, where he was seen by a man named Condran, who was crossing the yard with a bundle of hay. Being asked by Condran what he was doing there, he said, he was standing there in defence of his life—that two shots had been fired at him near Uskerty Bridge, and that two fellows were pursuing him to take his gun, and he would flue at them if they came at him.' lie desired Coudrau to cover him with the hay ; which Con. dran refused to do, but asked him to go into the house. In the mean time, two men, Willoughby and :shore, armed with guus, came into the yard in a 'untied manner, and 'nom:dial towards the house in search of Mr. O'Reilly. Return- ing from the house, they saw deceased behind the pier ; when Willoughby pre- sewed his gun at hit», and called on him to give himself up ; which deceased refused to do, and jumping from bchiud, presented his gun at Willoughby, who turned it aside with his. Both guns were discharged at the same moment, Willoughby's shot is:dieting a bullet-wound mi the right arm of deceased. Shore then came forward, and fired at Mr. O'Rei:ly ; who instantly fell, ex- claiming that he was shot through the heart. He was then carried into Comer- fmd's house, where he expiled in less than half an hour. Immediately after the perpetration of this horrible and unacconotable murder, Willoughby and Shore proceeded to the Poliet.ostation at Cooletillen, and surrendered themselves to Sergeant Stores, who conveyed them to Castlecomer. .1 verdict of wilful mur. ■ let was returned against Shore, and of manslaughter against 1S'illoughby, at the inquest. They were both committed to the county gaul. Mr. O'Reilly was a tine youth, only eighteen, of considerable promise."