Late accounts from India mention the death of Mr. Sergeant Rough, Chief Justice of Ceylon. l'he Great Western steamer, which brought the news of Lord Dur- ham's resignation, made the voyage from New York to Bristol in twelve days arid a half, although she encountered strong head-winds for three days. One hundred and twenty-six passengers came in the Great Western ; and among them, Lord Arthur Lennox and his Lady, the Honourable H. IV. Cavendish, Aide-de-Camp to Lord Durham, and Mr. Wilson, bearer of despatches from Lord Durham.
Dr. Lushington was formally inaugurated Judge of the Admiralty Court, on Thursday. The salary is 2.300/. a year—to commence from the 24th of June last. Why the Doctor should be paid salary before entering office, does not appear : his only professional service to the State, was a speech for the Canada Ordinunces—not a judicial
effort certainly.
The Queen has presented to the Bishop of Bath and Wells the cushion on which his Lordship knelt at the coronation of her Majesty. It is composed of cloth of gold, richly embossed with velvet flowers, and decorated by gold tassels. It measures two feet arid a half square, and was forwarded to his Lordship on Thursday laet.—Bath Journal.