The reader will remember, that the Reverend Mr. Maid, of
Fe- niton, iii Devenshire, refused c impliance with a mandate of the Bishop of Exeter to instruct th c Cf then of his diocese in certain parts of the Catechism, and use other ormularies prescribed by the Bishop. Dr. Phillpotts, gi ievously offended by the contumacious parsou, called Mr. Bead to account by doter. A correspondence ensued ; wherein Mr. Mad cuts a shabby figure—being evidently desirous to sneak out of the controversy. The Bishop, letwever, in a manlier inveigled Mr. Mad to attend a confirmation at Honitem, saying that he wculd speak to him after the ceremony. Some conversation of an t %citing, nature occurred, respecting the instruction of the children in Mr. Head's pa- rish presented for confirmation ; and after the coaclusirm of the proper business of the day, instead of a private conference, %Odell Mr. Head probably expected, the truculent Bishop, in presence ef the assembled clergy, entered upon a long defence of his own conduct, or rather a fierce at, ck on Mr. head, then and there completely at lee mercy, lie said that if Mr. Head had "any feeling at all," he must deeply regret his cunduct ; that he had refused to do " what he had sworn to do; " that he was a " slanderer," lad insulted God when he insulted Dr. Phil!- pet's, and bud done more than any living man to brilig the holy rite of confirmation into contempt. Such is the substance of the Bishop's oblure.:ition. It is highly characteristic of the viruleet pamphleteer, bat very unseemly in the Christian minister.
It rejoices us exceedingly, and we apprehend the good people of Bishopwearmouth will equally exult, to learn that the 'Immutable and Reverend Gerard Valerian Wellesley, D.D., their pious and ever- watchful Rector, has returned to this country from the Continent, after a short absence of a 3 car from his cure; and " may be expected" to visit his parishioners. Ile is at present, we observe, cejoying the festivities of Wilmer Castle; but he will doubtless shed the influence cf his samed presence upon them shortly ; and all the quicker, perhaps, if the BisLap were just to hint to him, that lie has been already long enough away from a place where he pockets some three or four thou- sand pounds a year, and does nothing else.—Darliala Chroniec.