Arrived—At Gravesend, Oct. 15th. Rhoda, 'Nixon, from Van Diamen's (Awl; 190), S.apinas, nawEns, from ditto; and. Severn. Wake. Loin Bombay. At Deal, 13th, Jana Sheriffs. Manson. from Miinritins ; Forma, King, front the Cava; and Georgiant,
Sheridan, Irmo Bombay. At Liverpool, 15th, 1Lig late, :M•tiouan, rrion sin.ms 1r ,re; W. Turner, floats, from Bombay ; !Ind 16i1t. Franklatel, from IIetntal.
At St. Ilelena, Airg.3001, Agrippina. Itogeis, brim Ceylon; A ustialia. Forrest:h. 110:3
; 2401. 5:3111, nom Sing:gime; aim] 30t11. FrAuV,Ual, (7,1.11,, from gal. At the Cape. Jul!. 21t. Woodbridge, Dobsoa, from L.,11101, ; Cl do, tram I lill ii ; 21th, Spartan. Nloyse. trim Lrantont 20th. tIm. Carrie, from Bengal; Aug. 911, NV. Roger, Ilatt, from the clyda ; and Argyle, NII•PonAld, Korn Loodon. At 11o:dray, previous tiO3t I. Jane, King William. 'Thomas: Joint Woodhall,—; Somers so:shire, .1 tekson ; —; Brighton, Sedinan; and Jupiter, from Llanelly ; halos, --. front the Cl)ile; Cdevelan I, —; General l'aliner, Java, 'hull; Imi4ius. Routh; and Vii.citunt Melbourne, —, rrirn Loniot• ; Mary. l'idt el. Turcan ; 5551 Oriental, Wilson, from Liverpool. At :Madras, pies vi..lis us 231 July, (Tontine, Kemp; Li Belie Atli:met., Arholi ; :nal Francis Smith, Edovuols, from I.,,mdon. At Bengal, previous to 17. Ii July, Willi on Lee, —, from Iluli; Lave; LASander. Tamerlaae, M'Keuzie; Joha Fleming. It ;
Altoeiton, Shuttieworib ; 1.■ Brest]: Kellie Castle, Buchan; Lady Clifford;
C.0.7atta ; Grlive ; 311,1 .Wre.l. Iron; London; Rosana I, Little; linogen. Riley;
.3 ii Burt ; ht. Coitriar, Smith; l'iskering ; 1.1volpool. Roue ; Patriot (;'14.ell, Boodles.; and W. ia.ckeat.y. Maker, rrom Liverpool ; :Mary Sharp, Sharp : nunt ArlivIne, NPLeol. form the Clyde ; an-1 Mary Samarville, Rob.ot. t'roin .At China, May 10th. Tapley. —, from Loudon. .1t Van Dietneit's Laud, —, from Loudon; and Jane, Mills, tram