PTO THE EDITOR OF xxx " SPEOTATOB."] SIR,—If there be no
likelihood of the production of wheat being reduced, the only thing to do is to increase the demand for it, and by so doing to raise its value. Farmers are already feeding their cattle with wheat instead of oil-cake, thereby saving a middleman's profits. Possibly it may take the place of barley and sugar in brewing and distillation, and be also used for making starch. It must be remembered that roughly speaking, a bushel of wheat weighs 60 lb., of barley 50 lb., of oats 40 lb.; consequently wheat, at 2s. 6d. a bushel, has to be compared with barley at 2s. id., and oats at is. 8d., while the husk of wheat is less than that of either of the
other two grains.—I am, Sir, &e., G.