[to The Editor To The " Brzorston."] Str, — In Connection...
the article in the Spectator of October 13th on "The Standing of Schoolmasters," the following incident, which gave me infinite pleasure at the time, may be of interest. I was......
Letters To The Editor.
"POOR PADDY-LAND !" rTo TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I feel constrained to challenge some of your corre- spondent's (" Vactius Viator's ") statements regarding the......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]
SIR,—Has not the low opinion that Englishmen as a rule hold of education something to do with what you so aptly term the " disconsideration " of schoolmasters P When I was......
"the Standing Of Schoolmasters."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE a ETECTATOR,, n ] 4:311I, — I have just read through with interest your article in the Spectator of October 13th on " The Standing of School- masters,"......