20 OCTOBER 1939, Page 41


PRIZES were offered for the best two propaganda leaflets suitable for distribution in Germany. The entries, though noteworthy for their goodwill towards the German people,

showed little origtnality and still less perception of the mentality which dominates the Third Reich today. Most

competitors had Imam the value of brevity, but there was too prevalent the tendency to 'preach' to the German from

a high moral pulpit, which would annoy rather than win over the readers of leaflets. Some of these were too clever to be appreciated, tile "John Bull's," others too typically English in their humour. Entries were in both German and English, and it was natural that some of those in the former language should have come Timm the matt, though even they lacked real depth and appeal.

Most of the entries have, in fact, not improved upon the Government's efforts, except in being briefer. The prizes are divided between Nielsen and Miss Margaret P. Pope.

NieLsen's comparison and contrast between 1914 and 1939, headed by the Iron Cross and Swastika, would immediately

strike the eye and carries slogans known to most Germans.

Miss Pope's doggerel couplets might be expected to " stick " more easily than most prose.


(a) Herr Adolf leidet keine Not ; Bauer and Burger haben weder Butter noch Brot, Herr Chamberlain meint es mit Euch gut, fiir wen vergiesst Deutschland sein Blut?

Kein Englander einen Deutschen hasst, der Fiihrer 1st zum Frieden die Last.

Der Goering mag den Goebbels nicht ; Der Hider oft sein Ehrenwort bricht.

/m Inland herrscht schon Ungeduld, 1st daran auch der Jude schuld?

Statt Koffee gibts nor Knnaertee,

dem Lum pen Ley tut das nicht weh.

Der Krieg ht doch nur Plag und Qua!, wo auch das Rindvieh national, SS, SA mid Streicherpest sind Trumpf bei jedem Totenfest.

Ein Ungliick war das Dritte Reich, im Vaterland sisal alle Menschen gleich.

Wenn Wahn und Web und War vergehn, Zuletzt knit der deutsche Michel auch noch Sei111.


One country, one nation, one Leader!

Invasion of Poland!

Socialists in concentration camps.

England encircles us!

Cannons instead of butter! Italy a reliable Ally? Frenchmen on German soil! " Peace after the lightning war," so the FUEHRER promised!

but There are no longer any parties!

Invasion of Belgium! Socialism serve as volunteers!

God punish England! Cannons and butter! Italy a reliable Ally? Germans near Parisi "Peace when the leaves fall," so the KAISER promised!

Is this Is this

William IN Adolf Hitler's

"splendid period"? "living space"?


Worm This leaflet proposal contains four slogans all very

well known to every German-the Kaiser's "Ich kenne keine Par- teien mehr, ich kenne nur noch Deutsche! " (There are no longer any parties but only Germans) ; the Kaiser's " Frieden, wcnn die Blaetter fallen! " (Peace whon the leaves fall); the Kaiser's "Ich fuehre euch herr-lichen Zeiten entgegen! " (I am leading you to- wards a splendid period); and the Fuehrer's slogan "Em Reich, ens Volk, em Fuehrer! " (One country, one nation, one Leader).