Secret Flowers
Is love a light for me? A steady light, A lamp within whose pallid pool I dream Over old love-books? Or is it a gleam, A lantern coming towards me from afar Down a dark......
(herr) Hitler
SIR, —We do not in England give any courtesy title to a criminal who has broken into a house and murdered its tenant and taken his property. Why then should " Janus " ask us to......
Official Encroachments
Sit,—In your issue of October 13th a "News of the Week" paragraph under the above heading was so misleading that perhaps you will allow me to say something by way of correction.......
Anglo-soviet Relations
SIR,—On October iith, in reply to a question in the House of Commons, Mr. Butler said that the Government were not prepared to authorise the publication of the documents deal-......
Warfare By Leaflet
Sra,—At present it is probable that many people share Mr. Robert Powell's doubts on the efficacy of warfare by leaflets, but it is possible that at a later stage—after......
After Hitlerism
SIR,—In reply to Lord Ponsonby, may I say that he is not quite accurate in saying that my article pointed to Germany as a menace because she has fought four wars in less than a......
The Spectator Competitions No. 6
PRIZES of book tokens for 42 2S. and Li Is. are offered for the best two lists of six English words or phrases, the use of which should be discontinued. Competitors should give......