Speaking last Sunday - at Cork, Mr. De Valera declared that' Mr.
Lloyd George had alwaYs wanted ."'to breakup the solidarity of the Irish nation." So far_ as he himself was concerned there would never be an- Irish Boundary, no matter what so:ealled rectification there might be. Mr. De -Valera then produced a letter. written to, him by Mr. _Griffith. This letter, said Mr. De Valera,. made it clear that when Mr. Lloyd' George talked to the delegates from Southern Ireland about the-boundary, he had not in his mind merely a question-of "- transferring parishes." Although Mr. De Valera read passages froM the letter, he did not apparently ?read 'the' vital passages on the boundary, but if his interpretation is' correct, here is another piece of evidenee that Lloyd George, in order to pro-cure the Free State - settlement, encouraged the Southern Irish to' -believe -that they would receive a considerable slice of Ulster.
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