In His Weekly - Article In The Observer Mr. Stephen Gwynn
refers to an article by." Ulsterrrian " in 'tisk Statesman. " Ulsterman " wrote : It is quite certain that there arc people in the six counties prepared to shoot if they do not......
News Of The Week.
UCH has happened since last week with regard to -LTA- the Irish Boundary question. It is more than ever plain that conciliation between the principals in Ireland is the only......
Speaking Last Sunday - At Cork, Mr. De Valera Declared...
Lloyd George had alwaYs wanted ."'to breakup the solidarity of the Irish nation." So far_ as he himself was concerned there would never be an- Irish Boundary, no matter what......
* * * * On Tuesday The Times Published A
most important letter from several Members of Parliament, representing all parties, who have visited Ireland to - study the boundary question. It represents a unanimous opinion.......
* * * On Tuesday The Cabinet Of .northern Ireland
met in Sir James Craig's house at .Streatley-on-Thaines, when it was decided that _though the offer to Mr. Cosgrave to settle the Irish Boundary- question by mutual consent 890......
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