20 SEPTEMBER 1924, Page 1

In his weekly - article in the Observer Mr. Stephen Gwynn

refers to an article by." Ulsterrrian " in 'tisk Statesman. " Ulsterman " wrote : It is quite certain that there arc people in the six counties prepared to shoot if they do not get their own way." Mr. Gwynn adds : " I know Ulstermen,' and there is no one less likely to be bluffed. It is 'a serious warning. But no One Out of .Becliarn believes that' any' Irish interest would- be...svrve. d. by, t.Ite Op. ening of that fuSillade." Mr. , Gwynn goes on to commend the Irish.Stidesman for its courage in remaining optimistic and for risking its circulation when it makes what is, of course, in the Free State, the extremely unpopular proposal that the Boundary Commission should he dropped, and that a fresh attempt should be made at a voluntary agreement with Ulster. In support of its proposal the Irish Statesman refers to Mr. Devoy's manifesto and to a letter backing up Mr. Devoy from Mr. McCabe. Thus there are good influences at work in the Irish Free State, and the time is ripe for a whole- hearted attempt to achieve a voluntary agreement.

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