Public rooms are 'proposed to be erected in Waterloo Street,
Bit.. mingham, for legal and commercial purposes, similar to those esta- blished at Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester, and other large towns.
There have been tremendous gales of wind, accompanied with snow sod hail, off the Northern and Western coasts ; and many vessels have been wrecked : among them was the Athabaska, from Liverpool for Quebec. Attempts were made to rescue the crew and persons on board; but it was found that the life-boat could not weather the storm ; and twenty.five persons, all on board, perished. The captains of ves- sels, fortunate enough to get into port, declare that they never encoun- tered such a succession of heavy gales as have recently prevailed. It is slated in a Liverpool paper, that a tee-total ship belonging to that port has actually sailed thence to Jamaica to bring home a cargo of sugar and ruin for the spirit-drinkers of England.
• Our experience of the law has been rather peculiar. In three cases in which we have been sufferers, the parties were the Mersey bankers, Stretton the swindling parson, and the notorious Roger Whitehead. Whether the !milkers were hanged or transported, we never could learn ; but of the others, the one was hanged and the other transported. When Kinnear was in high feather in Liverpool many years ago, he negotiated one acceptance for 83,0001.; which is now kept framed and glazed, as a memento of those times.—Lieerpool Mercury. [Our con- temporary Inas certainly no cause to grumble at the operation of .the laW, since two out of three of his plunderers have been brought to jus- bet His " experience" has been very " peculiar."] On the day appoint( d for the opening of the NVorcester Qutorter- sessions,.the new Recorder of that city never made his appearance, to it!! 'Owe inconvenience of all parties concerned. Some days afterwards, .11 learned judge came down to Woreester ; when, 011 the meeting of the Town-Council, he was called upon to give an explanation of his stymies and neglect; and he gave the following unsatisfactory acconet of.the transaction—that there were only two cases its the calendar of Prisoners for trial, and that he did not conceive that small number of snffielent importance to induce him to leave London.— Worcester dOUrnat (The number of the parties put to "infinite inconvenience " 'Su not very great ; nevertheless, if the facts are correctly stated, the Itecorder neglected his duty.]
At the Shrewsbury Quarter-sessions, last week, Joseph Giles, formerly fore marl in rho employ of John 'fopham, a butcher,
was tried for embt zzlerrent ; when the Jury acquitted him, and amidst rears of laughter reccmmeirdeel him to mercy. —Worect4er Guardian.