Sir Thomas Hepburn was elected Member for East Lothian, en Saturday, without opposition. After the regular proceedings had been gone through, and Sir Thomas had delivered a......
Mr. O'Connell is employing the holydays in " agitating" his con tuents. On Monday, he called a public meeting tomake arrangements for the effectual registry of Liberal voters.......
The Reports Of The State Of Trade In The Cotton
districts last week are very unsatisfactory. It appears the manufacturers cameo find vent for their accumulating stocks, and therefore it becomes questionnble whether they ought......
It Is True That Colonel Alr Gregor Has Been Offered
the place lately va- cated in the hish Cturstaluilary by Colonel Shaw Kennedy ; but it will lie n very different office indeed. The salary is to be reduced to I,000/. per annum,......
Mr. H. S. Waddington, Of Cavenham Hall, Is The Tory
eandida to succeed the late Mr. Logan in the representation of West Suffoik, It is not likely that any opposition to his return will be attemred. Mr. Babington Macaulay is on......
Public Rooms Are 'proposed To Be Erected In Waterloo Street,
Bit . . mingham, for legal and commercial purposes, similar to those esta- blished at Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester, and other large towns. There have been tremendous gales of......