Within the last few days, it has been confidently stated that the Duke of Cambridge will very shortly succeed 1.ord Hill in the command of the Army ; and no less a personage than Lord Brougham has been given as the authority for the announcement. Should his Royal High- ness accept the post, we believe it would be only on condition that Lord Fitzroy Somerset retained his situation as Military Secretary, the duties of which his Lordship so unceasingly devotes himself to.— Times.
We have no doubt the report is true, that her Royal Highness the fleshier of the Queen is not honoured with the particular approbation of that gay and accomplished master of table-talk the First Lord of the Treasury; but we do not think that the respect entertained for her Royal flightless by the steady and thoughtful people of England will on that account be much lessened.—Moreing Post.
Until after the preliminaries for the sale of Worksop Manor had been arranged, and the agreement for the purchase signed, the Duke of Norfolk did not know to whom he haul disposed of the property. By the purchase cf this manor, the Duke of Newcastle will have the right of supporting the arm of the Sovereign at the coronation, lind will pre-. ssiit an embroidered right hand glove U3 homage for the es:ate, which 1, held in grand sotgeautry by the above serviee.—Donereqer Gazette.
Marshal Soult, Duke of Dalmatia, is to come to England us Am- bassador Extraordinary from France, on her Majesty's Coronation. Count de Helmut, who had been first appointed, has received the Grand Cordon of the Legion of Honour. General Sebastiani will also return to this country in the beginning of June.—Posi.