21 APRIL 1838, Page 7


STOCK EXCHAKOE, Primer AFTERNOON. The Consol Market has been heavy, and has declined a from the highest price of last week ; but has to-day recovered about per cent. The other Three per Cent. Stock has fluctuated in about the same degree, but both the Three-and-a-Half per Cent. Stocks have been steady at last week's prices. Bank Stock has fallen and India Stock risen per cent. India Bonds have risen to 74 to 76 prem. • and Exchequer Bills luxe been steady at 67 to 69 prem. The decline of ;be market has doubtless been occasioned by the ship- ments of bullion to the United States, and by the determination to which the Bank Directors are understood to have come to send a large quantity of bullion to New York on their own accounts. The stock of the precious metals in the Bank is, however, understood to be very great, and daily increasing, by the con- tinued importation from the Continent. In the Foreign Minket, the Northern European Securities have been steadf; as have also the Dutch Stocks. the fluctuation of which has not exceeded It per cent. The South American Funds have also been without material variation. Portuguese Securities are the unlv ones in which any important 'alteration has oc- curred; and they have been in continued demand since Monday, and have risen about 2 per cent. This change in the appearance of the market has been pro- duced by the intelligence received in the catty part of the week ; frthn which, by the promulgation of an amnesty and the return of the leaders of the defeated section of the Liberals to the country, it is believed that the political dissen- sions which have long embarrassed the Government are assuaged, and that the prospects of the Bondholders are iinproied. Spanish Stock, which was last toms in it tiaVe, down, co., 201, and has siace fallen back to 20k: the transac- tion of what has occurred in Portligue,'e at+v,It • awl indeed, with the CECtaT been very limited. The Railway Share Market has been steady, with the exception of London m.s Birtningliani Shares, which have declined about 81. —we believe on seconue os the anticipations of extensive traffic not having been realized since the partial operuna of the Railis•ay on the 9th instant. It is however, unfair to judge of the future traffic when the whole of the railway shall be opened, by the present amount, as the saving in time between London and Liverpool does not under the ineid favour- able circumstances exceed from three to four hours, and the pas,,engers by the railway experience the incouvenience of two changes of coaches, luggage, &c. ; added to which, to meet the competition of the railway, the coaelics have re- duced the fares between London and Birmingham nearly one half. A meeting of the ohateholders of the Croydon Railway Shares has been held to-day, at which it has been determined to raise 120,0001. by the issue of 6,000 New Shares, at 151. per share, which are to participate equally in the profits of the Company with the original 201., and IlY borrowing 39,0001. for ten years, at 5 per cent. It is expected that the Croylloieltailway will be opened in October ; and its total cost is estimated at 360,001. The :New Shares are quoted at 2 to 21 prem. A new Asphalte Company has been brought out, called the Graujac and Boston Asphalte Bitumen Company ; the Shares are at 2 prem. Our readers will cease to wonder at the facility at which premiums are obtained, when they learn that bills have been discouuted toolay at the low rate of 2t per cent. per annum.


The only alteration that has occurred this morning has been in Spanish Stock, which has improved, and is quoted at 20A 1. The RitilW ly Shares continue the some. The demand for the Bank Shares also is maintained, especially for those of the Union Bank of Australia, which opened at 3, and have since been done at 5 prem. The other,—Colonial, Canada, &c.—are firm, at yesterday's prices. Time Asphalte Gaujac Shares are higher, viz.

3 prem.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account D educe

3 per Cent. R d

New 34 per Cent • Anus Bank Stock luiliaStock Ditto Bon ds

Um:helper Bill- Bolgiau 5 per Cents


901 I 1014 2054 l2694 70 74 76 6SO 70 1034 4 924

Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish

Dutch 29 per Units Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts Ditto 3 law Cent.

Itthisiau ( te.v.2 )5 per Cent Sionlizli U81515 per Cent Dere' red Stock Passive Ditto

2l Ii 764 744 534 44 329

111 VA)* 79