21 APRIL 1939, Page 2

China's Counter-Offensive Last week it was stated in Chungking, Marshal

Chiang Kai-shek's headquarters, that a Chinese counter-offensive would be launched immediately "on all fronts from Inner Mongolia to South China." The offensive has been pre- paring since the fall of Canton and Hankow ; an essential element in the preparations has been the despatch of Chinese forces into the "occupied areas." General Chu-Chen, one of Marshal Chiang Kai-shek's commanders, has stated that one- third of the Chinese forces is now behind the Japanese lines. Last week an intensification of guerilla warfare in the Japanese rear was ordered, while Chinese troops took the offensive in Kiangsi, Honan, Shansi, Hupeh, and Kwang- tung. In Kiangsi and Kwangtung they have had consider- able success. All territory east of Canton has been recap- tured and the Chinese have advanced within 18 miles of the city in the north-east and to miles in the north. Along the Fu River they have advanced within nine miles of Nanchang. For the first time China has seized the initiative held by Japan throughout the 21 months of the war. It is too early to foretell the result of the offensive, but it has already had the effect of further increasing the prestige of Marshal Chiang Kai-shek.

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