The House Continues To Be Interested Only In Defence...
Sir John Simon's Budget for next Tuesday is quite forgotten, and the best debates these days are amongst Members in the Lobbies and the Smoking Room. The Ministry of Supply......
* * * * The Brevity Of Mr. Chamberlain's Statement,
on Tuesday, on the internacional situation, took a full and expectant House by surprise. The very careful addition of the U.S.S.R. as one of the countries with which the......
An International Loan For Refugees The Appeal Which Sir John
Hope Simpson made in Man- chester on Tuesday for the raising of an international loan indicates the only method of dealing adequately with the refugee problem. The settlement of......
Food Hi. Wartime If The Country Is Called On To
put into operation the ex- ensive plans for the control and distribution of food in time of war which the Government has drawn up it will start .rom a point which was only......
The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...
events which caused the break in the Easter Recess were already overshadowed, when the House met again on Tuesday, by Mr. Roosevelt's message. This was almost the sole topic of......
* * * * Shortage Of Nurses The Discussion In
the House of Commons on Tuesday on the shortage of nurses was important when it is realised that nursing is now more urgently than ever a part of national defence. The Report of......