21 AUGUST 1841, Page 11



The fluctuation of the market since our last has not exceeded 4 per cent.; Bank and India Stock have, however, varied rather more considerably. Re- duced Three per Cents, have been done at 90 and 894-; Consols for Money at 89A and 894, ditto fee Account at 894 and 894; Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents. at 994 and 984; New Three-and-a-half per Cents. at 984 and 984. India Stock has been at 248 and 247, and since at '2474; and all these Funds close today nearly at the lowest quotations. Bank Stock has been an excep- tion to the general rule, and has risen, having improved from 1684 to 1694; and though since done at 168, is last quoted at 169. Money has been much in demand during the last few days ; and hence the premium upon Exchequer Bills, which had continued for some time at 14s. to 16s., has given way, and after being at 12s., is at 12s. to 14s. The Exchanges have risen considerably during the last two post-days, and the present appearance is decidedly better : the rise of Tuesday in the rate on Paris is attributable to a large amount of bills drawn by American houses upon that city to the extent of nearly 1,000,000 francs. The next publication of the average liabilities and assets of the Bank of England will take place tomorrow, and is looked for with interest : it is surmised that the amount of the bullion will be less than it was at the last publication, and the present s'carcity of money is supposed to be traceable to the operations of' the Bank Directors, who by the contraction of the circula- tion have sought to present the depreciation of the exchanges, and thus keep the bullion in their coffers. The importation of foreign corn still continues, and several cargoes have this week been insured at Lloyd's from Hamburg and other Northern ports. The steam-ship British Queen has been sold to the Belgian Government, and will leave the Thames for Antwerp immediately; she has been insured for such voyage for 40,0001. at 20s. per cent. On Tuesday, several parcels of wool from South Australia, Sydney, Van Diemen's Land, and Western Australia, were sold by auction. That from Adelaide, ex Lalla Rookh, fetched is. and is. Oid. per pound. The importation by the Shepherd from Swan River sold at from Is. ffd. to Is. 54d., one lot of lambs fetching Is. 6d.; while that from Sydney by the Andromache, and from Hobart Town by the Branken Moor, realized from Is. 3d. to Is. 8d. In the Foreign Market, the improved tone of the Non-Dividend Stock-mar- kets, to which we alluded in our last, has been maintained ; Mexican, Colum- bian, and the others baring improved from 4 to 4 per cent. Chilian Bonds have risen 5 per cent., hare been done at 70, and are nominally quoted at 68 to 72. The Dividend-paying European Stocks have not been the subject of much fluctuation, and no transactions of importance have occurred in them. Spanish Active has improved, and has been frequently at 194. A failure, however, having occurred yesterday, by which upwards of 60,0001. Stock was forced upon the market, the price declined to 19i, at which there were for a short tune sellers; it has again rallied, and after being this morning at 194, closes at 1911 4. The alarm for the stability of the Government of E: STARTER°, to which we elks led last week, appears to have subsided; and though there is no apaarent impravement 7n Si anis], finances, this Stock has risen. in consequence of the gen rally improved appearance of all the Non-Dividend Stocks.

The business ut the Railway Share-market has been principally confined to the more speculative description of Shares, viz. Brighton and Blackwell: both have experienced some fluctuation, but the general result of the week's trans- acti ins has been to establish a quotation of Brighton Shares about 2/. above our last, while Blackwall, which had fallen about 30s. per Share, have regained thAr lost ground. There has been a fair demand for the more important Shares, but we cannot notice any trarsactions of itrportance in them.

Sannutsv. Tvett.vit o'Cr.oele.

The little business that has occurred has been mostly at the prices of yesterday ; indeed, we believe that the English Funds are in every instance without variation, if we except India Stock, which was yesterday quoted at 244, and is today marked at 247. In the Foreign Market, the Non-dividend Storks are firmer ; Columbian beiog 20i 4, Mexican 254 26; while Spanish Active has been (lane at 20, (a higher price than it has reached dueng the last ten days.) and is flaw 194 20. Chilian are nominally quoted at 68 to 72. The Railway Shares f illy support the elosMg quotations of yesterday afternoon— Brighton being 54 to 54 discount ; Blackwell, 1.04 to 104 discount, ditto New Shares, 3 to premium ; Great Western are 16 to 17 premium; London and Birmingham, 70 to 72 premitun ; tlitto and Greenwich, 74 84 per Share; and South Western 514 24 per Share.

3 per cent. c.oisots Ditto for Account 891 ik 891 4 Columbian 6 per Cents Doniall a per Cents 204 4 784 34 3 iter cent. Redneed 81 4

patch 24 :-er Cents Mt 2

Si per Cent. Ditto 94 Mexican) 5 per Cents. Colloid. 2aI 6 New .14 per Cents 9214 4 P. Ttotritioa- Regency open Cts. 291 351 Bank Stock 169 Ditto New 5 per Ceuta. MI.. 254 i Exchequer Bills .. Pi f4prn Date a per Ceiits

17t 164

India Stock 247 Russian 5 per Cents 114 15 Brazilian 6 per Cents.

67 4

Spanish (Active) 194 20 Belgian Slier Ceuta 102 4

Savransy. Point d'et.octr.

The usual monthly statement of the weekly lirbilities of the Bank of Eng- land has been published in due cutir:e. As compared W i th the last, there iv an increase of 407.000/. in the Circulation, of 210.000/. in the Deposits, and of 737,000/. in the Securities: while the Bullion is diminished by 64,000/. Nothing can be more strikieely illustrative of the ii.jurions effects of the Corn-laws upon our commercial and monetary system than the fact that during the last three years, when our harvests have been bAser the average, the drain of bullion has commenced as wen as it has become evident that an importation of foreign corn would be required to supply the deficiency- of our own production. Thus, in 1839 the amount of bullion iii the Bank in the month of Jute was 3,785,000/. ; and it continued to diminish till November, when it fell to 2,545,000/. In 1840, the highest return was in August, when the mil:mot reached 4,560,000!.; and in December of that year it bad fallen ti 3.511.000/. The highest average of the present year was that of last en mill, viz. 5.170,000/. The drain, it will be seen, as already begun, and it is impi.s,ible to say when it will ay. There has been but little lit:tine-5 in any deseription of Stock since the morning. Chilian cantintiss in demand, and has been done at 70i and 71. The others, both Foreign and Eoglish, are without variation ; with the excep- tion of Spanish Active, which has improved to 20 to 4, hut without any trans- actions of importance. Among the reports to which the improvement may be traced, is one that in the Q teea's Siieech oil Tuesday next an intimation will be given that the long-talket t4. treaty of commixee between this country and Spain is in the course if nezutiatiun : hut it is needless to say that this is treated as a mere conjecture.