21 AUGUST 1841, page 11


SATURDAY NIGHT. The Whig paying - off goes on, but the batch of Baronetcies is not yet forthcoming. Last night's Gazette announces several minor appointments. Lord Sydenhain is......

Two Candidates Have Addressed The Electors Of Bradford ; Mr.

W. Wilberforce, a Tory, and Mr. Busfield, one of the late Liberal Members. Mr. Busfield appeals to his well-known political opinions, but especially avows himself an advocate......

Intelligence Had Reached Madrid On The 12th, Of Some...

insurrectionary movemems at Seville, Grenada, and Malaga ; but Go- vernment was fully informed on the subject, and prepared to act. Ne- gotiations for a Government loan of sixty......

Quarterly Average Of The Weekly Liabilities And Assets Of...

Bank of England, from the 25th May 1841 to the 17th August 1841— LIABILITIES. ASSETS. Circulation £17,228,000 Securities £23,012,000 Deposits 7,956,000 Bullion 5,106,000......

Yesterday, The Conservatives Of Westminster Celebrated...

the return of a Tory for Radical Westminster, by a public dinner at Drury Lane Theatre. The pit was boarded over on a level with the stage, the chair being placed about the......

The Globe Of This Evening, Premising That The Law Under

which Mr. M'Leod is detained must take its course until the final decision, gives the following assurance- " If that result should prove unfavourable to our hopes, and the Court......

The Popular Struggle In France (for Such It Seems To

have become) against the Government measure of taxation-survey, does not relax, but quite the reverse ; and by Thursday it had begun to excite a graver sense of uneasiness than......

The Great Western Steam- Slop Has Arrived, With Papers From

New York to the 7th instant. There is no news, except that the trial of Mr. M•Leod was fixed for the 19 , 11 September. Exchange on London was 9 premium ; on France 5 francs 25......

The American Papers Contain A Letter From China, Dated April

10th, seventeen days later than the accounts received by the regular Indian mail, with extracts from the Chinese papers. Some doubt, but on no stated grounds, is thrown on the......

Money Market.

STOOK EXCHANGE. FRIDAV AFTERNOON. The fluctuation of the market since our last has not exceeded 4 per cent.; Bank and India Stock have, however, varied rather more considerably.......

'muumuus Has Misunderstood Us. But We Had Better Not Insert

letters du separate points of the Cora-law discussion, which we are now engaged in, until our general review of the whole question be completed. MILER is wrong there was no......