The Globe of this evening, premising that the law under
which Mr. M'Leod is detained must take its course until the final decision, gives the following assurance-
" If that result should prove unfavourable to our hopes, and the Court gnorantly or recklessly proceed to judgment against NPLeod, in that case the course of the British Government becomes plain ; and for that event, we know, the British Government has provided. On the arrival of such a crisis, though barely possible, Mr. Fox was long since instructed immediately to demand his passports. To allow a hair of MtLeod's head to perish for his alleged part in the affair of the Caroline, would be regarded as a declaration of war on the part of the American against the British nation."
Admiral Sir Charles Adam left town early yesterday morning, for Chatham, to hoist his flag on the North American and West Indian station. The unsatisfactory state of affairs in America is said to have hastened his departure.