Two candidates have addressed the electors of Bradford ; Mr.
W. Wilberforce, a Tory, and Mr. Busfield, one of the late Liberal Members. Mr. Busfield appeals to his well-known political opinions, but especially avows himself an advocate for a fixed corn-duty ; appealing to the im- mediate experience of the working-classes that a rise in the price of bread is by no means attended by a corresponding rise in wages. Mr. 'Wilberforce says that be is an admirer of the ancient institutions of the country, as they exist in the union of King, Lords, and Commons ; that he is opposed to sweeping changes, but will correct abuses ; that with- out denying the evils of the Old Poor-law, he regards the New Poor- law as alien to the spirit of our institutions ; and that he shall support protection alike for manufactures and agriculture. The Leeds Intelli- gencer of this day boasts that Mr. Wilberforce's name is a tower of strength in the West Riding : the Leeds Mercury reckons confidently on Mr. Busfield being the successor to Mr. W. C. Lister, since he has received many assurances of support from influential gentlemen who did not vote for him at the late contest.