Yesterday, the Conservatives of Westminster celebrated their triumph In procuring
the return of a Tory for Radical Westminster, by a public dinner at Drury Lane Theatre. The pit was boarded over on a level with the stage, the chair being placed about the centre of the latter. The whole space was covered with tables, accommodating 1,100 or 1,200 persons. A temporary ceiling was thrown over the stage, fes- tooned with pink and white ; the theatre was adorned with gigantic mirrors, and the dress-circle was decorated with a range of exotic plants. Ladies, mostly attired in the colours of the party, filled the three tiers of boxes; the gallery was occupied by a full military band. The chair was taken, according to the announcement, by Sir Francis Burdett ; and a great number of the most prominent men of the Tory party in the House of Commons, titled and untitled, were present, with a few Peers. The very numerous attendance and the splendour of the banquet were the chief features of this " demonstration "; for the speaking was long, but not interesting. Sir Francis Burdett, after "his second manner," (to borrow the painter's phrase,) denounced the Whig Budget, the Whigs, and O'Connell, and eulogized the Duke of Wel- lington and Sir Robert Peel. Captain Rona took the petty wars in which Ministent have become involved for his theme ; beginning with that in Spain, where the question to be settled was, whether a Queen who had married a menial or a prince who could not govern a child should rule. The last toast was the health of Sir Francis Burdett, landed by Viscount Chelsea; who reminded his Tory friends that "they bad seen him in former times standing forward in defence of the con- stitution." Sir Francis replied briefly, and in so low a tone that the friendly reporters of the Tory papers could not catch his response. Three cheers were given for the Duke of Wellington, and the meeting japarated.