21 AUGUST 1841, Page 12


Arrived—At Grave...al. A112. 19111. Carr. from Van Diemen's Land. At

Des', 19t1,. Princess from licogid. At Lirerpeol, 1411t. Lord Western.

Locke from Singap re; 17th. 0:ive Braorti. Liorl:ay ; and 19th. Chieftain. Paine, from lk,m1itty. At ,t June 25th,Macti, Lathier. Swan, from Singapore; and Pandora. l'utham. from Cr. Ina; 21111. Pirruck Hall, Parsing, from China;1:...0th, Iris, Tindal, from ('ey,on ; sn.l Houghton-1e Sp, lug, --. Lora Singapore; July 1st. Char- lotte. Crei4laou. fro a Man. Pius; Otys. ' Ina') Ce.lon; sod 2d Mark Palmer.

Palmer. Maur.tius. At Vas Dicmco Laud. April lath, Adelaide. Dryden, from London.

Suited - From CraYeamtl. Attv,. 1401. Mary Ann, T:rbett, fur Madras. From Liver- pool. 1:th. Devoupott, Boutofaat, foe lhaniuly t5th Hindu.). Milwson, for Bengal ; 19th, Coristiana, Simp4on; it A'estatter Grit Thompson, for Bombay.