Tuesday, August 17.
Broom and Davies, Llanelly, Carmarthensh ire, printers—Brown aud Laing. Halifax, drapers—Firth and Cu. Horton. Yorkshire, machine-makers; as far as regards .f. Firth—Harris and Brewer. Caerleon. Monmouthshire. feltmougers—Dickinson and Ayerst, Great Tower Street. alturnies—Joues and Co. Mold, Filutshire. brewers; as far as regards E. Lloyd—Staiuft and Wood, Nottingham, milliners—T. and J. Richard-
son, Billiter Street, tailors-M. and W. Gregory, Birmingham. hosiers-Stokes and Dunlop. King Street. Snow Hill, brandy.diatillers-Hunt and Morris, York. hair- dressers-Bumby and Mellor. Manchester. cattle.dealers-M'Gregor and Howe, rail- way-contractors-Luttly and Co. Dyer's Hall. attornies-Savage and Collard, Chelsea, wheelwrights-Hollins and Co. Langwith, Nottinghamshire, cotton spinners ; as far regards H. Hollins junior.
Huvcinsow. Grows, Huntley Street. Bedford Square. cabinet-maker. Aug. 17. Scorr, JOHN. Briekhill Lane, Upper Thames Street. merchant, Aug. 16. WARD, James, Albert Terrace, City Road, cabinet-maker. WILLumsorr, Jossua, Nicholas Lane, merchant. Aug. 16.
GEORGE Pocock, Rotherhithe, ship-builder.
Ammer/. THOMAS, Laucaster, druggist, to surrender Sept. 10, 28: solicitors, Messrs. Robinson and Dobson, Lancaster ; and Messrs. Makiuson and Sanders, Temple. CAsactranna, ANNE, Manchester, merchant, Aug. 27, Sept. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings ; and Mr. Norris. Manchester.
CLauoirrosr. NerivarreL. Yeadon. Yorkshire. fulling-miller, Aug. 24, Sept. 28: so- licitors, Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Higham, Brighouse, near Halifax.
thurrointrr, Lams, Stroud. Gloucestershire, pawnbroker, Aug. 26, Sept. 28: solici- tors, Messrs. Shearman and Evans, Gray's Inn Square; Mr. Herbert, Painswick ; and Mr. Paris, Stroud.
DARCY, JOHN, and DIERDEN, RICHARD, Sutton, Lancashire, alkali-manufacturers, Aug. 27, Sept. 28; solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartletrs Buildings ; and Mr. Norris. Liverpool.
Feweirrr, WILLIsur, Manchester, manufacturer, Sept. 8, at: solicitors, Messrs. Tur- ner and Hensmao, Basing Lane; and Messrs. E. and R. W. Bennett. Manchester.
Howson. Tetomits, Leeds. grocer, Aug. 26, Sept. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane; and Mr. Shackleton, Leeds.
Joins. Fitenssucx, City Road, draper, Aug. 25, Sept.28 : solicitor, Mr. Humphreys, Qaetin Street, Cheapside; official assignee. Mr. Canaan, Finsbury Square.
LAmpowr. Wn.Lum HENRY, Plymouth, Devonshire. jeweller, Aug. 25. Sept. 28: so- licitor. Mr. Lloyd, Cheapside ; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore. Basiughall Street. Lewis, Joan FREDERICK, Ebley, Gloucestershire. woollen-cloth manufacturer. Aug. 29, Sept. 28: solicitors. Messrs. yenning and Co. Tokealtuttse Yard ; official assignee, Mr. Causal', Finsbury Square. Ifgensy. Hewer, and Raciaminss, WILLIAM, Leeds, oil-merchants, Aug. 24. Sept. 28: solicitors, Mr. Lambert, Gray's Inn; Messrs. Snowdon and Preston, Leeds ; and Mr. Smith, Leeds.
niterrse. THOMAS. Paul Street. Finsbury Square. brewer. Aug. 26. Sept. 28: solici- tors, Mears. Taylor and Co. Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Canna's, Finsbury Square.
STUCHFLELD, EDWARD, Churc h Street, Paddington Green. horse-dealer. 'Aug. 25, Sept. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Bicknell, Manchester Street. Manchester Square; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. 13asinghall Street. TRAPPJ, CHARLES, Abridge, Essex, victualler, Aug. 28. Sept. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Ling and Harrison, Bloomsbury Square ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Weisner, BENJAMIN, Coalbrookdale, Shropshire. draper, Aug. 26, Sept. 28: solid tors, Mr. Bigg, Southampton Buildings; and Mr. Potts, Iron Bridge, Shropshire.
Sept. 7, Cannon. Darkhouse Lane, Lower Thames Street, fish-factor-Sept. 21, Tommy. Birmingham, draper-Sept. 13, J. and J. Shepherd, Southampton. painters- Sept. 8 Potts, New Mills, Derbyshire. engraver-Sept. 11, Nelson. Sowerby, York- shire, bnilder-Sept. 8, Pearsall, Birmingham. pearl button-maker-Sept. 9. Nickliu, Nottingham, printer-Sept. 13, Baunan, Blaudtbrd Forum. Dorsetshire, pianoforte- maker-Sept. 8, Orion, Box, bailder-Sept. 9, Paxton, Long Ashton, Somenietshire, builder. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, as or before Sept.?. Brook, Frith Street. victualler-Clarke, Portsea. ironmonger-Morgan, Pill. So- mermitshire. boat-builder-Tyler, Birch Hills, Staffordshire. iron-master-Cawood, Sunderland, tobacconist-Field, Carunel. Lancashire, bauker -W. and .1, Appleford, Holborn Ears, drapers-Aldred, Southampton Row, bookseller -Dauuenberg, Stan- gate Street, victualler-Fosbrooke, Liverpool, money-scrivener.
Dewar. hues, Edinburgh, optician. Aug. 20, Sept. 10.
Fsanoson Thomas, Crumnock. Ayrshire, carrier, Aug. 23, Sept. 14.
Frame, Joan. Auchtergaveu. Perthshire. innkeeper. Aug. 25. Sept. 17. FRAME or Rams, Isanium, and Fetus. JAMES junior, Glasgow, bookbinders, Aug.
20, Sept. 10,
Lsous, JAMES, Glasgow, printer. Aug. 19, Sept. 9. MACDONALD, JOHN CADDBLE., Edinburgh. doctor, Aug. 24. Sept. 14. Tnomsow, MURRAY THOMAS. Glasgow, timber-merchant, Aug. 24, Sept. 14.
Friday, _disgust 20.
Marshall and Co. F.astcheap. tea-dealers-T. and T. S. Richardson, Great Russell Street, Covent Garden, booksellers-Mells and Turley, Manchester, tailors-E. D. and D. C. Alston, Mauningtree, brewers-Harfords and Co. Bristol. ironmasters- Richmond and Co. Manchester, commisision-ageuts-Charlesworth and Co. Almond- bury, storekeepers-J. and W. Bagshaw. Dewsbury, brassfouuders ; as far as regards J. Bagshave-Petty and Co. Threadueedle Street. grocers ; as far as regards Tomlin and Petty-Widdows and Currey. Leigh. Lancashire, grocers-Milnes and Metcalfe, Halifax. wool-comb-makers-Waller and Co. Huddersfield, woolstaplers-W. and T. West, Hackney Road, linendrapers-J. and H. Fisher. Old Kent Road, brush-makers -Bush and Daman, Montagu Close. Southwark, hop-merchants-Harris and Lam- ford, New Cut, ironmongers-Gervas and Pattiuson, /litigate, linendrapers-R. and J. Johnson, Commercial Read. Whitechapel, carriers -Spawforth and Sou, Budge Row. wine-merchants-Thackrah and Lockwood, Duke Street, Southwark. hop-merchants- Sinnock and Morgan. Bristol, tea-dealers-Storey and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, flax- dresses and hosiers; in the flax-dressing business as far as regards T. Storey.
EvAISS. GEoactE, Llanboirly, Carmartheushire, draper.
FoUTHALL, RICHARD junior. Birmingham. factor. WORSFOLD, WILLIAM, Margaret Stre,et, Cavendish Square, coach-smith.
BLOOD, MICHAEL, North Audley Street. surgeon, to surrender Sept. 3, Oct. 1: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Basiughall Street. Burrs, Rosner, Gedling. Nottinghamshire, corn-factor, Sept. 2, Oct. 1: solicitors, Messrs: Willis and Co. Tokenhouse Yard.
Coons, Roasar, Great George Street. Bermondsey, cooper, Aug. 28, Oct. 1: soli- citors, Vincent and Sherwood, Temple ; official assignee, Mr. Canaan. Finsbury Square.
DUNCAN, Annus and Customs, Tukenhouse Yard, merchants, Sept. 6, Oct. 1: soli- citor, Mr. Parker, St. Paul's Churchyard ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basinghall Street.
Houten, Jonas, Burleigh Street, Strand, victualler. Aug. 30, Oct. 1: solicitors, Messrs. Coote and Co. Austinfriars: official assignee. Mr. Cams% Finsbury Square.
LEA, JAMES senior, and PATRICK. THOMAS, Worcester. butchers, Aug. 30. Oct. 1: so- Leiters, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Bedford Row.
MAYBERY, CHARLES, Earl's ('curt. Old Bromptou. boardinghouse-keeper. Aug. 27, Oct. 1: solicitor, Mr. Parsons, Temple Chambers, Fleet Street; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. SQUIBB, McKean CRADDOCK, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, rope-maker, Aug. 28, Oct. 1: solicitor. Mr. Lambert, Raymond's Buildings. Gray s Inn. Trianvos. RICHARD Hoeurniox, Birmingham, grocer, Sept. 8, Oct. 1: solicitor, Mr. Whitelock, Aldermanbury. WAREtntron, HENRY, Manchester, joiner. Sept. 11, Oct. 1: solicitors, Messrs.
Johnson and Co. Temple. DIVIDENDS. Sept. 10. Thompson, Newcastle, silk.throwster-Sept. 13, 'Higgs, Watling Street, cheese-factor-Sept. 13. Ware. Great Tower Street, cheesernonger -Sept. 13, Rose, Bow Lane. auctioneer-Sept. 13, Hall junior, Hackney Road, baker-Sept. 13, Moore, Old Bond Street, hatter-Sept. 11, Corbett, Lewisham, builder-Sept. 11. Knott, Swallow Street, wine-cooper-Sept. 15, Field, Cartmel. Lancashire, hauker-Sept. 21. Noble and Freer. Leicester, hosiers-Sept. 14, Saul, Holme Cultram, Cumberland, schoolmaster-Sept. 10, Hewitt aud Weatherby, Manchester, calico-printers-Nov. 15, Foxwell, Painswick, Gloucestershire, clothier-Sept. 13. Henderson, Manchester. bookseller-Sept. 13, Gill and Smelt junior. Manchester. merchants-Sept. 16, Hamp- ton, Liverpool, broker-Sept. 11.0. and J. Hindley, near Bolton, cottou-spinuers.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Sept. 10. Hill, Taunton, draper-Martyn, King Street, Cheapside, woollen-warehouseman- Swan, Seymour Place, Camden Town. jeweller.
Anuataants. ALexurnze. Glasgow, writer, Aug. 30, Sept. 24. BENTLEY, WILLIAM, and Co. Glasgow, merchants, Aug. 25. Sept. 15. Wrisow, Jamas. Edinburgh, general.merchant, Aug. 23, Sept. 13.