BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Priced.) hoturday Monday. Tuesday.
Wedses. Thurs. Friday.
894 894 894 894 891 891 891 894 891 891 894 894 891 90 891 891 891 89/ 981 991 99 981 981 99 981 984 984 984 984 981 121 121 124 124 121
1674 - 1684 168 169 169 248 247 2471 247 247 - 16 pm. 14 14 13 13 14 8 pm. 5
7 -
(Last Official Quotation during the
Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cats. Brat= Caudonga Cobre Copper .
Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester Londoil and Brighton London and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmingham London and South-Western London and Croydon
Manchester and Leeds
Midland Counties North Midland South Eastern and Dover BULLION. METALS.
Gold, Foreige in Bars .....pes os. SI. 175. 94. Copper, British Cake...per ton 971. tiv. to 051.0.. Old Spanish or Pillar Dollars .... 0 0 0 Iron, B itish, Bars 7 0 0- 0 0 Memcan Dollars 0 42 10* Lead, h. itish Pig 20 0 0-20 5
Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 114 Steel, English 31 0 0- 80 e GRAIN. MARE Lairs, Aug. 20th.
The supply of English Wheat has been tolerably fair during the week, and owiug to. the continuance of the present fine weather for harvest, our trade rules exceedingly dull, and sales can only be effected by submitting to a reduction of from Is. to 2r. per quarter upon good qualities, and from 2s. to 3s. upon the damp and inferior parcels of new Wheat.
4. •. s. S. s. e.
ffb eat,Red New501`to 60 Rye sOtb4IJa Maple 40 to 41 Oats, Feed ...El to XS Mae 60.. le Barley 83 .. 85 White se as Fine 40.. 55
White 65 ...4 Malting 07 38 Boilers 88 40 Poland .... tl .. 28
Fine tie . 78 Malt, Ordinary. 56 .. 61 Beans, Ticks... 37 39 Fine VI . se seperfine Nee 76 .. 80 Fine 61 ..3 Old 42..44 Potato 011 -59
Old 70 ..78 Peas, Hog 83 .. 40 Harlow . .... 40 „ 42 Fine .... 29 ,. 80 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREI.GN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the 'unarm Week.
Wheat 67s. SILL Rye ..... .... SU. Itd. Wheat 18., 81 Rye 165.9d.
Barley 53 7 f Benne 40 5 Barley 12 4 Bess, 9 6
Oats.. . . .. 25 II 1 Peas 43 5 Oats 13 9 Peas 5 0
BUTTER-Best Fresh, lits.64. per los. Caseate, 41.13s. to 41.16e. per cwt. BACON, Small New, per cwt. 59, to 685. CHEESE. Cheshire 74s. to 845.
Derby, Plain 70s. to 76s.
HAMS, York yes. to 853.
EGGS, French... per 120 4s. 54 10 thi. Od.
Choice Ditto 180 - are Ware Rent Pockets 100s. to 1405. Scotch Reds per ton Cl. to O - Susses Pockets 100 - 120 Middling O -
Superfine Ditto 130 - Ise Chats O -
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good 845... 105. 60s. 950. 90s... 101ts.. ... 95e... 1W5. Inferior 86 . 90 0 0 75 84 0 . 0 New 90 . 114 .... 0 . 0 . 30 .. 110
Mover 115 .. 126 60 120 on .. 118 120 .. 156
Straw, Wheat 48 . 54 45 . 50 58 45 46 .. 50
Ile. 4 d. to 5s. 104.10 40. 41. 8$. as 64. to 4e. MU
8 6 .. 4 0 .. 4 4 ... 310 .. 4 8,56
5 8 4 4 , 5 0 4 5 .. 5 0 .. 5 5
Mutton Veal 8 8 .. 4 9 .. 5 0 4 ill .. 0 0 .. 5 0
Port 4 4 .. 4 8 .. 5 0 ... .. 4 8 .. 5 0 .. 5 49
• To sink the offel-5er8lbe HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD. Besets. Sheep, Calves. Pigs.
F_ day ........ .......... .... 680 8,270 505 401 dioaday. .. . 1.951 . . 56,300 148 .. 615
agatd per tun 441. 65.
45 0 Linseed Oil 31 0
Linseed Oil Cake -per 1000 15 10 CANDLES, pier doren, 7..041. to 85 114. Moulds (td per dot. diecount) 9s. 6d.
COALS, Hetton 180.0 d.
Tees 20s. Od,
Week ending Friday Evening.) Ditto (Deferred) 5p. Ct. Ditto 6 Ditto (Deferred) 6 Michigan 6
Mississippi (Sterling) 5
Neapolitan. New York (1855) Ohio 6 Pennsylvania Peruvian 6
Portuguese a
Ditto. 5 Ditto (New) 5
Russian 6 Spanish 5
Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5p. Ct. Tenuesaee 6 - United States Bank Virgiuia 84
102 so Ski 16 87 244 191 10 79
FOREIGN (Last Official Quotation during the Alabama Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - 6 -
6 - 109 5 - 1021 5 67
6- 19 6 -- 6 - 6 - 3 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders).24 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 -
Freueb 3 -
Ditto 5 Indiana (Sterling) 5 Illinois 6 Keutucky 6 Louisiana (Sterling)... 5 Maryland 6
.4 assactmesetts(sterling)5
Mexican 5 Arkansas 1863) Austrian Belgian Brazilian Buenos Ayres Cuba Chilian Columbian of 1824 Danish
204 514 102
251 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced .31 per Cents. Reduced New 34 per Cents.
Long Annuities
Bank Stock, 7 per cent.
India Stock 104 Exchequer Bills 241. p. diem India Bonds, 34 per cent 5 14
74 814 444 14 160 524 121. 56 80 65 164
Week, ending Friday Evening.) Banks-
Aatstrulasian British North American Colonial Hibernian London and Westminster.
London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London
East and West India London St. Katherine
Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada General Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Land
224 124 15 331 404 301 94-
984 70 93
Town-made ........ s.00 CO.. to E5.•
Seconds 55 - 60
Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 50 - 55
Norfolk and Stockton 43 50 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os.
POLLARD, firm Os. to Os. BREAD, 9d. to Ied. the 41b. Loaf.
TEA, Balsa. eats p. lb. 5s. 7d. Od.
Congo% fine 8 3 -8 II
Soaelsoag, fine.. 1 10 -4 9
• In Bond-Duty 94.141. per lb. COFFEE, fine (in bd) per cwt. 153s. 155,
Good Ordinary Ms, 90s, SUGAR, Bluscorado..perewL 850. Md. West India Molasses.. slats 50s. ed.