21 AUGUST 1841, Page 7


As, in her Majesty's present condition, any undertaking involving anxiety or fatigue might prove injurious, we understand ihat Dr. Lo- cock has interposed his veto ; and that the new Parliament will be opened by Commission instead of by the Queen in person.—Globe, Aug. 17.

The Address in the Commons on the Royal Speech will, it is re- ported, be moved or seconded by Mr. M. Phillips, one of the Members for Manchester.—Idea.

A Cabinet Council was held on Wednesday, afternoon at the Foreign Office. It was attended by Viscount Melbourne, the Lord Chancellor, the Marquis of Lansdowne, the Earl of Clarendon, the Marquis of Normanby, Viscount Palmerston, Lord John Russell, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Earl of Minto' Sir John Hobhouse, Viscount Dun- cannon, Sir George Grey, Mr. Labouchere, Lord Morpeth, and Mr. Macaulay. Immediately after the breaking up of the Cabinet Council, sum- monses were issued for holding a Privy Council at Windsor Castle, this day, at two o'clock ; when the Royal Speech on the opening of the session will be submitted for her Majesty's approbation.

It is understood that the Speech will he delivered by commission on Tuesday. A meeting of the Privy Council was held yesterday, in the Council- chamber, to take into consideration the grant of charters of incorpora- tion to Sheffield, North Shields, South Shields, and Huddersfield.

The Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel walked down to the House of Commons, arm-in-arm, a few minutes before its first sitting, on Thursday. They were cheered, says the Times, as they passed through the crowd. Lord Melbourne, says the Globe, was also cheered.

His Royal Highness Prince Albert will preside at the meeting of the School of Design, which will be held in Somerset House at half-past twelve on Monday. The greater part of her Majesty's Ministers are expected to be present on this interesting occasion. Sir R. Peel has also been invited to attend.—Globe.

Viscount Melbourne gave a dinner to the Cabinet Ministers on Sa- turday evening, at his private residence in South Street. The Ministers present were the Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Clarendon, the Marquis of Normanby, Viscount Palmerston, Lord John Russell, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Earl of Minto, Sir John Hobhouse, Viscount Duncannon, Mr. Labouchere, Sir George Grey, and Mr. Macaulay. The Marquis of Lansdowne arrived at Berkeley Square on Wednes- day. He has quite recovered from his late indisposition. Lord and Lady John Russell have arrived in Wilton Crescent, from Minto. Lord John's new house on the South-west side of Belgrave Square is expected to be finished about the first week in December.

It is not true that Lord Howick is about to retire to the Continent. Probably the parties who invented the misstatement would wish his Lordship to do so.—Tyne Mercury. A few gentlemen in Bradford are getting up a subscription for a tes- timonial to show their sense of Lord Morpeth's services. The Leeds Mercury publishes a list of ten persons who have subscribed 2451. " A gold vase, bearing a correct representation of the Emerald Isle, is emeralds, has been contemplated as a suitable testimonial ; but this is open for discussion." A correspondence is published in the papers, which has been carried on between Sir John Milley Doyle, as the representative of Mr. Shee- han, a gentleman who writes the leading articles for the Cambridge Independent Press, and Sir Alexander Grant, the Member for Cam2 bridge, and certain of his friends. Mr. Sheehan more than once severely auimadverted on the political character of Sir Alexander Grant, and had strongly, though in general terms, denied the preten- sions of Sir Alexander to represent Cambridge ; and this had so nettled the Baronet, that he personally attacked Mr. Sheehan on the hustings, in returning thanks for his election, making statements derogatory to his character. This led to a correspondence between Sir John Doyle and Lord Granville Somerset, as the friend of Sir Alexander. In the earliest stages of the correspondence, Mr. Sheehan had averred that his editorial remarks were never meaht to be personally offensive to Sir Alexander, and bad disclaimed all intention of seeking satisfaction at law. Some of Sir Alexander's expressions were retracted, on the ground that he had discovered them to be untrue ; but an apology for their having been made was refused, because Mr. Sheehan's concession had not been sufficient. Sir John Doyle urged an apology, or imme- diate arrangements for a meeting; and at this stage of the affair Lord Granville Somerset withdrew from it, mentioning Sir Henry Har- dinge as the person who would supply his place as Sir Alexander's friend. A note was then seat to Sir. H. Hardinge; but no answer being received, Sir Alexander was asked for a fresh reference ; and he then wrote in answer to request that Sir John would wait till a day which he mentioned, when he should certainly have a conclusive reply either from Sir H. Sardine or from himselL On the arrival of that day no cola- munication was received from Sir Henry ; but a note came from Sir Alexander Grant, in which, after recapitulating the whole of the cir- cumstances according to his own views of them, and declining to give the satisfaction demanded by Sir John Doyle, he intimated thet in the event of Mr. Sheehan's taking any further steps to provoke him to a breach of the peace, he should resort to legal protection. This called forth a letter from Sir J. M. Doyle, addressed to his friend Mr. Sheehan, which winds up the published correspondence ; expressing the utmost astonishment and pity for the position in which Sir Alexander has placed himself.

Mr. Folliot Duff, brother of the gentleman now confined, together with Lord Waldegrave, in the Queen's Bench, for an assault on the Police at Hampton Court, has forwarded to the morning press a memo- rial which has been addressed to the Queen on behalf of his brother, and the affidavits of Mr. Duff himself and the Honourable Robert Grimstone on which that memorial is grounded ; together with a letter in explantion. The following passage in the letter conveys the gist of the whole- " The parties who really committed the offence are Sir Willoughby Wolston Dixie, Baronet, and Mr. John Bell, the lately-elected Member for the borough of Thirsk, who have hitherto eluded detection and almost suspicion ; and my brother has, unfortunately, from carelessness on his part, and mismanagement of his defence, been made their scapegoat. Sir W. Dixie was, according to his own admission, the person who beat the Policeman on the head with a heavy stick, and Mr. J. Bell was the person who kicked him in the chest. I have invited them severally by letter to come forward, take upon themselves the consequences of their own misdeeds, and clear my brother's character; but this they have both positively refused to do. I have therefore no course left to me, having in view the vindication of my brother's character, but to sub- mit the facts of the case to the judgment of the public."

The Lord Chamberlain has appointed the Honourable and Reverend Baptist Wriothesley Noel, (the author of a pamphlet lately published against the Corn-laws,) to be Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, in the room of the Reverend Alexander John Scott, D.D. deceased.

We can positively contradict the report that Admiral Sir George Cockburn goes to the Mediterranean in command of the fleet in that sea. Nothing of the kind has yet been determined on. The officers pamed for the command are Admirals Sir Philip Durham, Sir George Cockburu, and Sir William Gage.—Naval and Military Gazette.

Captain Sartorious is appointed to the Malabar, 74, at Plymouth.

We are glad to hear that the Crown has granted a pension of 100/. a year to the widow of Mr. James, the naval historian. The Lords of the Admiralty, particularly Sir Charles Adam, strongly recommended Mrs. James's memorial to the Treasury.— Globe.

Tuesday's Gazette announces several Consular appointments : Sir Henry Pottinger is formally declared as "Chief Superintendent of Bri- tish Trade in China"; Mr. William Pitt Adams, Secretary of Lega- tion at Bogota, is to fill the same post in Mexico ; Mr. Charles A. Lander is appointed Consul at the Dardanelles ; Mr. Robert Stewart, Charge d'Affaires and Consul-General to the Republic of New Gre- nada; Hr. Alfred Septimus Walne, Consul at Cairo ; Mr. Robert Tay- lor, Consul at Bagdad ; Mr. Edward Thompson Curry, Consul at Ostend ; Mr. Richard Ryan, Consul at Para.

Alluding to reports of formidable augmentations of our fleet in Ame- rica, to back Mr. Fox in negotiations on behalf of Mr. M`Leod, the Globe says—" We have reason to believe there is no truth in the state- ment that an addition is to be made to our force already on the North American station. Sir C. Adam is to take with him two ships, one a line-of-battle and the other the Pique frigate ; but these are to replace two of the same rates which will be recalled."

A large contract is announced by the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the Navy. It is for 15,000 navy tierces of beef, and 16,000 tierces of pork. The last contract was much below these quantities, and it shows that it is the intention of Government to maintain in the most efficient state the naval department of the kingdom.—Morning Chronicle.

We understand that measures are now in progress for effecting a very considerable and beneficial extension of post-office distribution in the rural districts. 'The principle which has been adopted is, we are informed, to establish a post-office in every Registrar's district which is at present without one ; an arrangement under which, it is said, about four hundred places, many of which are now ten and some even twenty miles from any post-office, will for the first time enjoy all the conveniences of communication by post.—Morning Chronicle.

The very decided improvement in the weather which began with the week has caused a corresponding change in the hopes of the harvest. In the many accounts which come before us it is not easy to discrimi- nate between those which were written before and after the alteration in the weather. It may be generally gathered, however, that the fine weather, if it last, has come in time to save much of the injury which the crops might have suffered from another week or two of continued wet, but not soon enough to prevent a very considerable amount of drawback on the spring promises of abundance. In Cumberland, the cutting of grain began during the wet, while the grain was as yet un- ripe. In Lancashire, every thing was hoped from the fine weather, though some corn has already been cut of a very green tint. The fine weather, it is expected, will secure abundance in Staffordshire. In Leicestershire, the weatherwise confess themselves at fault. In Lin- coln, the reports are still favourable ; and the hopeful muster pleasing reports from Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire. A great breadth of land is sown with wheat in that part of the country this year. In Cam- bridgeshire, it is said now that corns never looked better. The grain has been injured more in quality than quantity in Suffolk. In Kent, mildew has ravaged the wheat ; but in the Isle of Thanet much that was laid and sickly is recovering under the sun. Mildew and thinness of the plant are the complaints in Hertfordshire. If the weather enable it to be well got in, there will be an average crop in Gloucestershire. The rust and maggot will prevent an average crop in Shropshire ; and little prograis has been made with the harvest. The rains are spoken of in Worcestershire as having improved rather than injured the wheat. Reaping began in the rain in Herefordshire. In Somerset, the corn

has grown in the ear, though not very extensively : prayers were offered up in the churches during the bad weather.

The early wheat will suffer severely in Ireland; the late wheat, it is expected, will not. Several reports from the different parts generally concur in these points—that the crops have been in the most precarious situation ; that with better weather much will yet be saved, but that irretrievable injury has already been done. Such is the report for Dublin. In Derry, a continuance of dry weather can alone restore the hopes of a favourable harvest. In Cavan and Monaghan, the wheat is not so much injured as speculators would make out ; and the oat crop will be more than an average. The prospects of the harvest in Tipperary are not very promising. In Tuam' the crops will suffer severely. The damage is irretrievable in Cork. Brown rust and mildew have irre- parably injured the wheat of Limerick.

The reports of Scotland have never been so unfavourable as those from the usually more genial South and West ; and the coining of sun- shine has raised the best hopes in many places. The alarm which prevailed in the West of Scotland has subsided ; but little injury has as yet been done ; and if good weather continue, the growing crops will ripen and be housed with little diminution.

In Guernsey, unfavourable reports preponderate ; but there is as yet no cause to despair of an average harvest, should the sun keep pro- pitious.

The correspondent of the Times, writing on Tuesday, gives a com- prehensive and a gloomy account of the harvest in France-

" Although the weather has been fine and rather warm during the last few days, the markets are rising in a manner which causes much alarm. From the best data, it is to be collected that the harvest will not be so had as that of 1816, but not equal to that of any other year within the memory of the pre.- sent generation". The produce in quantity, would, were the quality good, be sufficient, but the grain is in many instances deficient in volume, and particu- larly in weight. The prospects of the harvest throughout France are, in fact, becoming daily more gloomy, in consequence of the bad weather having set in, generally speaking, at the critical moment of gathering it in. The accounts. from the North, as well as those from the East and South, concur in describing the weather as unusually inclement and unseasonable. According to the journal kept by M. Bouvard, the Chief Astronomer o the Bureau des Longitudes, the temperature during the months of June and July was nearly four degrees below the usual average, and only one above that of the calamitous year of 1816. The quantity of rain which falls on the platform of the observatory in ordinary years does not exceed 86 millemetres, while in 1816 it rose to 150 and in this year to 132. The number of rainy days has' however, been greater in the present year, having been in those two months (June and July) 40, whilst they were only 37 in 1816. The average number is 24. In most of the markets, within the last four days, wheat as undergone a more or less considerable increase, particu- larly in those from which Paris draws its supplies. The new wheat hitherto brought into the market is described as of an Inferior quality, and the produce below the average. In the seaport towns, (Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Rouen, &c.) the rise perceptible in prices is partly caused by the presence of English purchasers. Everywhere the grain is damp. If kept in store it would spoil. It is consequently thrown rapidly on the market, and by its quantity keeps the price lower than it would be, and conveys an idea a abundance that is not justified by the fact. In three months from the present day the real character of the harvest (and it is feared the proof of its insufficiency) win become manifest."

The weather in the United States has proved highly favourable for securing the bread-stuffs. The stock in New York, at the end of last month, was considered small ; but full half of an average.harvest had already been stored.

The Odessa Journal, under the date of St. Petersburg, 23d July,. reports a drought for a month, with intense heat. The Gazelle de Treves announces that the Prussian Government intended, should the rainy weather which has prevailed lately in that country continue, to prohibit the exportation of corn and the distillation of brandy from potatoes. The price of wheat has risen 40 per cent. in Silesia in two months. The crop will be less than the average, but of good quality.

We regret exceedingly to have occasion to observe that almost every leading branch of trade is at present, and has been for some months past, labouring under great depression in Newcastle. There is per- haps no locality in the United Kingdom, or in the world, which pos- sesses greater advantages than this town does for carrying on businesses which require abundance of fuel ; such as the iron trade in its various departments, the glass trade, the pottery trade, &c.; yet in all these trades, as well as others, there is extremely little doing—almost, indeed, a complete stagnation. The fluctuations of trade in the great manu- facturing towns, such as Manchester, Leeds. Birmingham, Sheffield, Nottingham, Glasgow, Paisley, &c., are unhappily of too frequent oc- currence to excite so much animadversion when a depression prevails, such as at present exists, as they might otherwise do ; but here, from the peculiarity of our position and the many trades to which our abundance of coal was so eminently serviceable, we have heretofore comparatively suffered little. The case is now very widely altered ; there is scarcely a business of any description that is not in a state of depression. This distressing condition of affairs, we trust, will be but of short duration. Unless some amendment takes place, it is dreadful to think of the dig- tress that must be felt as winter approaches, by the working-classes of the community, more especially as the price of bread and other neces- saries of life seems to be increasing as the means of paying for them. are growing less.— Tyne Mercury.

By the commercial steamer, arrived from Odessa, we learn that seve- ral stoppages had taken place there ; among others, the house of Es- linger for 400,000 roubles, and Isais for 200,000 roubles. We have not heard if they affect the Levant, but may state that in general failures in Europe do not—for this reason, that the Levant is always indebted to Europe, and has very seldom any capital there to lose. The large failure of Geymuller of Vienna, announced last week, for that reason scarcely touched Constantinople, though the correspondents here of that old and eminent house were very numerous.—Manzari Shark.

Count de Banneville, attached to the department of Foreign Affairs, arrived on Saturday from Paris' at Hertford House, bearer of the ratifi- cations of the treaty signed in London on the 13th July, by Baron de Bourqueney, conjointly with the Plenipotentiaries of Austria, Prussia. Great Britain, Russia, and Turkey.—Morning Post, Aug. 16. . Throughout the week, up to Wednesday, continued resistance has been offered in France to M. Humann's resurvey of the taxes. At one time, indeed, the affair seemed to have taken a favourable turn : the Municipal authorities of Lyons, Marseilles, and Bordeaux withdrew their opposition. But that partial concession has not been followed up in other places ; and at Bordeaux itself it has been the prelude to further violences. On the 12th, the Municipal Councillors, who had supported ihe Government measure, had their windows broken. On the following .day the mob grew more outrageous : the lamps in the streets were broken, attempts were made to force open the doors of houses, and the supporters of Government were threatened with more serious attacks. At length the troops were called out, the riot was suppressed, and ar- rangements were made for preserving the peace ; but without success : the Commissioners of Police were hurt, the Mayor was wounded with it stone, and the military were nearly driven from a post which they occupied in the Place Dauphine. On the 14th, the disturbances were renewed, and the efforts of the soldiery to disperse the mob were fre- .quent. One gentleman was wounded with a knife, and the Deputy- Mayor received a blow from a stick. Several arrests were made both on the 13th and 14th; and on the 15th the town was to all appearance tranquil.

The department of the Lot et Garonne has been generally disordered, and on the 12th a regular insurrection broke out at Villeneuve d'Agen. A crowd of men proceeded with tumultuous cries to the Prefecture, and were not driven back by the military until stones had been thrown. A barricade was raised on the bridge which joins the two parts of the town. It was afterwards removed, however, by the people themselves ; and they expressed penitence for their conduct.

Barricades were erected at Caltors on the 12th: the Municipal autho- rities who escorted the surveyors of taxes were hooted, and doors and windows were barred against their entrance. Their operations were given up as impracticable.

The census was to have been resumed at Toulouse on the 16th; hut the Emancipation of the 14th adds in a postscript, that in consequence of the alarming intelligence received in the morning from the neighbour- ing districts, its resumption had been postponed to the close of the next week. A supply of ball-cartridges was forwarded on the 13th, from the arsenal of Toulouse to Agen, to be distributed to the troops on their march for that city, from the Tenth and Eleventh Military Divisions.

The resolution of the Municipality of Paris with respect to the re- -gistry of houses and windows which has now been published by the Commerce, opposes a serious obstruction to the Finance Minister. It declares that the Commissaries of the Municipality, attended by fiscal officers as comptrollers, according to the ancient custom, shall make the registry. This is contrary to M. Humann's order.

George Renes, a man labouring at the Paris fortification, cried out, when the King visited them, "Long live the King, but no dear bread!" He was arrested, confined, brought before the Court, and acquitted. He observed, that his imprisonment did not prove that bread was cheap.— Droit. • •

The accounts from Algiers of the 8th represent General Lamorieiere as having marched from Mostaganem towards the interior, leaving a -garrison of 3,000 men. No sooner had he gone than Abd-el-Kader appeared with his army among the neighbouring tribes. Word was sent to Algiers, and the Governor-General set off immediately to Oran and Mostaganem.

Toulon letters complain that an English vessel, the Ganges, seems to -watch the movements of the French fleet.

The statue of Nanoleon was placed at the top of the column of the Grande Ariniie at i3oulogne, on Sunday. The fetes which celebrated the event may be said to have commenced on Friday, with some races. The sport of that day consisted of four races ; of which one was not run at all, two were walked over each by a single horse, and the third was won -easily by one of two horses. On Saturday all was bustle and activity. • It had been given out that the King and Marshal Soult would assist in the ceremonies : but the King did not come at all ; and the Marshal only came by deputy, sending General Corbineau to represent the head of the Army. However, General Corbineau was a great officer under Napoleon, and the discoverer of the Pass of the Beresina ; and be held a military levy at the Hotel du Nord. By Saturday night, Boulogne may be said to have been filled with guests, and the inns and coffee- houses more than filled. Some apprehension was entertained lest the statue should not have been raised in time ; for the boisterous weather which prevailed at Boulogne for some days made it a work of difficulty, -if not of danger to the statue itself, to raise it to its place. However, at oleven o'clock on Sunday it took its allotted station, in time to receive the homage of the multitude. Before that was achieved, it was dis- covered that some person, a native of England it is assumed, had scratched on the forehead the letters "V. P. W."; which were construed to mean " Vaincu par Wellington." The disgraceful act of an indi- vidual, though it created some fear that it would breed a general ill- feeling, does not seem to have marred the friendly disposition towards the English, which throughout the festivities was testified in the most lively manner.

The citizens were waked on the solemn day by salvos of artillery ; and presently the whole town was in the streets, in holyday costume, 'business being altogether abandoned. The sky, which had threatened "to interrupt the events of the day, cleared off, and the sun shone bill- :Bandy. The cannon on the shore was echoed by the ships in the bar- hour, gaily dressed out with flags. It is observed that full honour was .done to the English flag ; the second place, next to the national flag of France, being given to it, in a brig of war and two Royal cutters, which were sent to Boulogne for the occasion ; the tricolour of Belgium oc- cupying the third place. The troops were under the direction of the :commandant of the department, General Letang, a distinguished officer of Napoleon decorated by his Imperial master with the Cross of the Legion of Honour after the battle of Dresden. They formed on the sands, and presented an imposing show : the Infantry are fine men ; and the Cuirassiers, Dragoons, and Lancers, are especially noted for their :soldierly appearance. The civil authorities formed in the order of pro- cession in the grounds of the Etablissement des Bains. The National Guards formed in a neighbouring part of the sands. Beside? the National

Guards of Boulogne, there were deputations from the same forces in Calais, Montreal', and other places of the department. These, with the Mayors of the hundred communes of the arondissement, fell into the procession as it advanced. The total number of the troops of the Line was nearly 2,000, of National Guards more than 3,000, of civil officers 300 or 400. In the procession was a gilt car, bearing a wreath of laurel. The procession began to move at about two o'clock. It proceeded up the Port, the Rue de L'Ecu, the Grande Rue, through the High Town, and out at the Calais Gate. The entire line of route was adorned with festoons of foliage suspended across the streets, from posts which bore shields commemorating Napoleon's various battles, and a cluster of four tri-coloured flags. At a short distance outside the Calais Gate, just at the top of the hill, an enormous triumphal arch was erected, gayly studded with appropriate insignia, under a hich the pro- cession passed. Arrived at the column, the troops formed on three sides of the area in which it stands. The column, which is on the model of Trojan's pillar at Rome, was still in part surrounded by the scaffolding for raising the statue ; and it was decorated with flags and streamers. It stands a mile distant from the town ; and in about an hour and a half after the head of the procession emerged from the city- gates, the whole of the procession stood around the column. The can- vass which yet covered the statue was removed ; the air was rent by shouts of " Vive l'Empereur I" " Vive Napoleon !" and by salvos of artillery from the batteries and the shipping ; the laurel-wreath was removed from the car and placed on the head of the statue ; and then an ode was sung by a gentleman ith stentorian lungs. The procession retired in the order of its approach, through the Rue Siblequin and the Rue Neuve Chausse, to the church of St. Nicholas ; where a short service was performed before the civil authorities and a part of the troops ; and then the assemblage dispersed. In the evening there were splendid fireworks; one of the devices being a representa- tion of the column and statue in white lights.

The close of the great day did not bring the close of the festivities. On Monday, the National Guards were inspected by appointed judges, on the grounds of the bathing-establishments; and after that there was a contest of military bands for prizes, in an orchestra erected for the purpose, in the plot of ground called the Tintelleries, before an audi- ence of many thousand persons. There were two prizes of 300 francs each, (about 121.) three of half that sum, and others of inferior value. They were allotted by a jury of eight ; among whom was Mr., Cramer, of London. At night there was a ball and fireworks at a place of pub- lic amusement called the Tivoli.

On Tuesday there was more holyday-making. The National Guards had a banquet in the Tintilleries, and there were races on the course. The latter went off better than on Friday. There were four races : one for the cup was won by M. Santerre's Ophelia, beating two horses, in two heats ; the next, for the Pas de Calais Stakes, was won by Mr. Burton's Miss Exile, against two others ; and the Steam-packet Stakes were carried off against one competitor, by Mr. Quick's Black Bess. The fourth race was curious : it is described by the correspondent of the Morning Chronicle- " The most amusing incident, however, was as unexpected as in England it would be aeemed derogatory, perhaps even unconstitutional'—namely, two races of four Carabineers against four Cuirassiers, and of four Dragoons against four Lancers, for prizes of 500 francs. They were all in full accoutrements, swords, knapsacks, &c.; and a general officer, General Gourgaud, as I was informed, started them with the word of command, Marche!' The great difficulty which was apprehended, was that of making a race of it at all, the horses being all drilled to charge in line. However, by dint of most scientific flogging, they were for once induced to break through the rules of military discipline, and a race, an indescribably amusing one, was the result. Half a mile was the distance named ; but in the race between the Carabineers, and Cuirassiers, they misunderstood their orders, went all the way round twice, and came in at a lumbering, rocking-horse pace, with tremendous tailing.' The Carabineers were the winners in the first, and the Dragoons in the second race ; much to the disappointment of the knowing ones, who had bet 2 to I and 5 to 2 on the Lancers."

At night there was a ball at the Theatre, given, seemingly, by the Corporation; and another got up among the National Guards at the Concert-room. The fetes would have been incomplete without an emeute ; and accordingly the ball at the Theatre furnished the occasion for one. Some of the National Guards, it is supposed, were jealous at the number of invitations given to the English ; and there were some braves from Paris, who of course followed their vocation. The ball passed off with something betwixt a dance and a siege- " A mob," says the writer already quoted, " collected about the Theatre be- fore the doors were opened, which increased in density as the company began to arrive. At length they made a rush at the doors, clamouring and shouting as a French mob can do, and frightened the ladies so entirely out of their wits that many of them made their escape by the windows in the rear. Strong bodies of troops, cavalry and infantry, very shortly arrived, completely sur- rounding the Theatre, and lining all the streets leading to it. The mob still pertinaciously maintained their position ; and as their appearance and conduct was rather formidable, it was deemed proper for a time to shut the doors and prevent all ingress and egress at the Theatre, as well as all approach to it. .Probably three-fourths of the invited guests were thus sent hack disappointed ; but many of those who came a little later, and did not mind making their way through the horses and crowd, managed to get in. This was the case with myself and two ladies, not much daunted by a volley of imprecations, and cries of ' A has des Anglais et des Anglaises, a bus le Matte.'' Two or three stones came afterwards also, which was not quite so pleasant. Later in the evening, one or two fellows found their way into the ball-room, shouting ' Je veer oiler ail ha!!' and knocking a man and woman down in their course : but they were immediately secured and bundled out ; and we danced till three in the morning, under the protection of an entire battalion of infantry and a strong troop of cavalry. The soldiers have also paraded the town all night."

The town was quiet on Wednesday ; but the games were still kept up in the shape of more races.

The following is the description given by the Times of the statue which now forms a prominent feature in the scenery of Boulogne- " The statue is the work of M. Bosio, who has executed many works of a high character. It is of bronze, and was cast in the year 1840, at Paris, by M. St. Denis; and in December last, at the solemnities of the funeral of Napoleon, it was placed on the bank of the Seine, opposite the Hotel of the Invalides. The statue is clothed fill the Imperial robes, such as are to be seen in the en- gravings and portraits of the original, having the robe studded with bees, &c. The statue holds in one hand a sceptre surmounted by the Imperial eagle, on the head is a crown of hum". The figure may be sixteen feet high,"

The Madrid papers of the 11th say that the Finance Minister has convoked a meeting of capitalists to raise sixty millions of rials allowed by a law just passed.

The manifesto against the Pope has been followed by a decree en- joining Magistrates and Prelates to proceed with rigour against all who may invoke, or execute, or represent as valid, the Papal orders con- tained in the late allocutions or bulls of the Court of Rome.

The Spanish Government has withdrawn the Isla del Rey, at Port Mahon, from the possession of the French.

A shock of an earthquA c: was felt at Seville, about half-past ten o'clock in the night of the 7th. Similar shocks were also felt at Cadiz, Puerto de Santa Maria, Xeres de la Fontein, Ciudad Real and Malaga.

Several severe shocks of earthquakes were felt at Leiria, in Portugal, from the 30th July to the 3d instant, which had so terrified the inhabi- tants that many of them went out at night to sleep in the fields ; but no serious damage was sustained. A slight shock was felt at Lisbon, about ten p.m. on the 2d instant.

The Euphemia, an English brig, bound for Lisbon with coals, had been lost off the Berlings, in a fog. Crew saved.

Among many improvements for which Denmark is indebted to the present Bing, the publication of the budget is one of the most important. That for 1841 has appeared, being the first document of the kind ever exhibited to the people at large. The excess of the revenue over the expenditure for the year is 702,120 rixdollars, or about 135,300/. Ac- cording to modifications which the King proposes to make in the dif- ferent branches of the administration, this surplus will annually in- crease. The army is from 15,000 to 20,000 strong ; and the navy is composed of six ships of the line, six frigates, and a proportionate number of corvettes, brigs, schooners, anecutters. The expense of the army and navy is put down in the budget at 3,562,600 rixdollars, or 705,620/.

Intelligence has been received from Constantinople to the 27th July, and from Alexandria to the same date. The Sultan was getting better.

Sir John M`Neill, the English Ambassador to Persia, arrived at Con- stantinople on his return to that country on the 22d, and proceeded on his way to Trebisond on the 26th. The Austrian Consul-General left Constantinople on his return to Alexandria on the 27th: the Consuls- General of the other Four Powers were preparing to follow.

Mehemet Ali had been ordered to find the money for his campaign on behalf of the Sultan against the Arabs, who seized the Holy Cities of Arabia when they were evacuated by the Egyptians; and to deduct the amount from the tribute. The Sultan has consented to lower the amount of the yearly tribute by one-fourth, that is from 400,0001. to 300,000/.

Accounts from Constantinople of the 27th July, in the Augsburg Gazette, stite that Syria continues in the most disordered condition.

The Maronites are in open revolt against the Porte, and the Go- vernor of Aleppo has been compelled to refer to head-quarters for in- structions, The accounts received in Constantinople from Candle come down to a late date. Tahir Pasha states that the insurgent leaders had presented themselves at head-quarters, and had all submitted unconditionally, with the exception of about 300 foreigners who took refuge in the mountain-fastnesses of Skafia. An amnesty was granted to the sub- missive, with the assurance that the past would be forgotten, and mea- sures taken to amend their condition in future ; while arrangements were made to blockade the still contumacious body in the mountains. No sooner did intelligence of this amnesty reach the ears of the latter, than they deputed their chiefs to wait upon Mustapha Pasha; to whom they offered to lay down their arms and quit the island, on condition of being permitted to freight a vessel to carry them to the Mores. Mus- tapha Pasha replied, that he would not only grant their request, but furnish them with an escort of regular troops to protect them to the nearest port ; where he would place a ship of war at their disposal, and give directions for their safe conveyance to any part of the neighbour- ing continent which they might think fit. At the moment Tahir Pasha closed his despatches, the whole of the native insurgents had made their submission, and the foreigners were preparing to embark. The pacification of the island was considered by the Capitan Pasha as complete.

A dreadful fire destroyed several buildings in Smyrna on the night of the 28th. It broke out in the part of the Smyrna bazaar occupied by the jewellers. In a short time the flames reached the quarter inha- bited by the Jews, which was nearly reduced to ashes. Eight synagogues, and all the houses with the exception of those of a single street, be- came a prey to the flames. From the Jew quarter the fire tuck the di- rection of the Greek and Turkish quarter. One-third of the Turkish city, several bazaars, and, amongst others, those of the silversmiths, corn-dealers, shoemakers, saddlers, confectioners, old-clothes-men, druggists, &c., a number of mosques, eight synagogues, and between nine and ten thousand houses, were reduced to ashes. It was believed that between thirty and forty persons perished. The Austrian Admiral Bandeira, on the first intimation of the fire, landed at the head of three hundred of his men ; who, with the crew of the French brig of war Alcibiade, rendered great services in checking the progress of the con- flagration. Upwards of twenty thousand persons, left without bread or an asylum, were dispersed on the adjoining heights ; and others were lodged in the public establishments, the barracks, hospitals, and laza- rettos.

The Caledonia mail-steamer arrived at Liverpool on Saturday morn- ing; having left Halifax on the 4th instant, and Boston on the 1st. The Acadia arrived at Halifax on the 1st, and at Boston on the 2d, taking news from England to the 20th. The Quebec papers are to the 28th July.

The British Whig, of Kingston, states that the Governor-General does not intend to return to England until next spring, having determined to hold a winter session of the Legislature ; some of the "important mea- sures " of his Administration not being in sufficient forwardness to lay before Parliament at present. There does not seem to be any authority for this statement. The Provincial Parliament had been busy, but not much bad been done. The election-law had occupied a great deal of time. The question, it may be remembered, was, whether the Lower Canada election-law was still in force. It had been decided in the Housespf Assembly, by a Committee of the whole, that that law wet still in force; and as the petitioners against the controverted elections, assuming that the law had expired, had not observed the forms which it directed, the petitions were null. The representation of 150,000 electors was said to be involved in the question ; and it was contended, against that decision and against the views of the Government, that a literal observance of a law ought not practically to disqualify so large a constituency from taking steps to vindicate their rights. Sir Allan M'Nab introduced a bill to relieve the petitioners from the consequences of the technical informality. The bill was opposed by Government ; and an attempt was made to get rid of it, by postponing the second reading for three months : that motion WEIS lost by 19 to 41; and the bill was ordered to be engrossed, by 37 to 27. Subsequently, a motion was made to reject the bill, and instead to appoint a Committee of Privileges to examine into the out- rages alleged in the election-petitions : but that motion was negatived, by 33 to 21. Finally, the bill was affirmed, by 32 to 22, and sent up to the Legislative Council.

The number of emigrants who had arrived in the province during the present year, up to the 17th July, was 21,727; during the same period last year, 17,592; increase, 4,135.

The Caledonia brings papers from New York to the 31st July ; only seven days later, however, than the advices previously received.

Congress was proceeding with important business. The chief measures now enumerated as having passed the House of Representa- tives are, the bill for the distribution among the several States of the proceeds of public land-sales, the Navy Appropriation Bill, and the Fortifications Bill; as having passed the Senate, the bill for the repeal of the Sub-Treasury law, and a bill to establish a general bankrupt law. The Senate was expected to pass a bill for the establishment of a National Bank, to be a bank of issue, deposit, and discount ; the notes issued to be of as low a denomination as 5 dollars, or at all events 10 dollars. But it was feared that the President might veto the bill. The correspondent of the Mornimg Chronicle says that the subject of the Tariff will probably be postponed till next session— "During two days of last week this topic was warmly agitated in the House, on a resolution to appoint a Select Committee to sit during the recess, with the object of investigating the whole subject, and collecting information cal- culated to elucidate its intricate points. The resolution was adopted on Friday, by the close vote of 106 to 104. The next day, however, the matter was reconsidered, when the resolution was laid upon the table. At the present moment, therefore, the Tariff question is not before either branch of Congress in a positive or formal manner. Many of the friends of the Administration are anxious to avoid its agitation, apprehensive of producing angry feelings between the Northern and Southern States—between the friends of free-trade (the South) and of home manufactures (the North)—and thus penning the success of some of the other importadt measures, for the adoption of which the extra session was especially called."

The papers say that Captain Drew, who commanded the expedition that cut out the Caroline steamer, was on board a steam-packet that lately put into Ogdensburg, on the American shore of the St. Lawrence. The packet departed without the fact being known ; but had it become public, the same papers say that "Captain Drew would most certainly have been tried for his life, and executed, according to the laws of New York."

Mercantile matters were dull. There had, however, been a sudden rise in flour : the quotations range from 5 dollars 50 cents. to 5 dollars 87i cents. Exchange on England was 84. to premium ; on France 5 francs 30 centimes.

There is a report of fresh news from China, in the shape of a letter which purports to come from Macao. It was brought on Tuesday afternoon, by express, from Paris. The history of it is, that it was put on board the Bombay mail-steamer just as the steamer was about to leave the port. There is nothing either to contradict or con- firm this account, except that the letter has lain perdu at Marseilles for a fortnight, and that it looks very like a repetition of a trick which is now becoming stale, of manufacturing news from China and represent- ing it as just too late for the regular mail. Our readers, however, may like to see the letter- " Macao, 27M April

"The Chinese local Government has violated the agreement made with Captain Elliot for the renewal of trade with British subjects. We are also surprised to find that since the 1st not the thousand chests of tea have found their way out to foreign vessels by smuggling. We had hopes of doing some- thing in that way ; but the unexpected vigilance and activity of the Chinese Mandarins and soldiers have disappointed our hopes for the present. About the 17th, a chop arrived from the Emperor, couched in the most violent terms, ordering all authorities, civil and military, in the province of Canton, to de- stroy all the teas, rhubarb, and other articles necessary for the English barba- rians. This order is rigidly obeyed ; and probably one-half of the crop of teas is already destroyed, and the work is still going on. Indemnity is promised by the same chop to those whose property is destroyed, and rewards for those who discover secreted articles. We further find in this chop political intercourse with the English is interdicted, and the lately-appointed Commissioners or- dered to retire. Numerous fire. vessels and rafts had been sent down the river among the foreign shipping, by which several vessels and cargoes have been injured, but no total loss. Our commander is deliberating on the propriety of moving all vessels below the second bar into a wider part of the river. A. re- port prevails, but to which no credit is attached, that some British subjects were kidnapped by the Chinese on the night of the 25th. But little is doing south of Formosa in opium."

In the City the letter was treated as a jobbing speculation for the tea- market. It produced no very serious effect, but helped the prices of tea to fluctuate to the extent of about 2d. a pound.

The Augsburg Gazette has accounts from the coast of Abyssinia,. where a Bordeaux house has purchased a little territory. This Bor- deaux house, having sent a ship load of merchandise, could only dis- pose of 80/. worth.