The Lands of the Messiah, Mahoniet, and the Pope; as Visited in 1851. By John Aiton, D.D., Minister of Dolphinton.
Notes upon Russia ; being a Translation of the earliest Account of that Country, entitled Rerum Mnscoviticarum Commenter* by the Baron Sigismund Von Herberstein, Ambassador from the Court of Germany to the Grand Prince Vasiley Ivanovich in the years 1617 and 1526. Translated and Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by R. H. Major, of the British Museum. Volume II. (Hakluyt Society.) Leaves from my Journal during the Summer of 1851. By a Member of the late Parliament. With Illustrations.
Inner _Africa Laid Open, in an Attempt to trace the chief Iinee of Com- munication across that Continent South of the Equator : with the routes to the Muropue and the Cazembe, Moenemoezi and Lake Ny- sass ; the Journeys of the Reverend Dr. Krapf and the Reverend J. Rebmann on the Eastern Coast, &c. By William Desborough Cooley.
Japan; an Account, Geographical and Historical, from the earliest period at 'which the Islands composing this Empire were known to Europeans, down to the present time ; and the Expedition fitted out in the United States, &c. By Charles MacFarlane, Author of "British India." With numerous Illustrations, from Designs by Ar- thur Allom.
The Tide of Life ; a Novel. By Miss Laura Jewry, Author of "The Forest and the Fortress." In three volumes.
Dods Parliamentary Companion for 1852. New Parliament. Vacher's Parliamentary Companion. August 1852. 011ivier's Parliamentary Register of Contested Elections, contrasting the Returns of 1817 et seq. with 1852, &c. [Of these Parliamentary Companions, more than ever indispensable to the politician and quidnunc, .Mr. Dod's second edition of his "Twentieth Year" (in a publishing sense Is by far the most valuable. The lists of names are alia of course common to with the readily accessible facts of the poll, or the obvious lists of new an old Members. To this matter Mr. Dod adds a va- riety of information respecting the forms and business proceeding of the Houses. The most curious, and at the same time the most useful feature, is the biographical notes of the Peers and Commoners, with their Licata, salaries, connexions, church patronage, and their opinions when they have expressed any. This last is the most significant and the most inimitable feature of the book ; because only long practice and experience would enable a man to pounce upon the precise words, which, amidst a mass of verbiage!, render it possible to predict the probable conduct of doubtful or unknown men in change- ful times. This indicative information is all the more requisite on account of the number of new Members, or Members "as good as new." In the present House of Commons, indeed, only twenty-one Members "have returned to public life after an interval of retirement"; but there are 180 whenever were in Parliament before!] Hints to Travellers in Portugal in search of the Beautifid and the Grand. With an Itinerary of some of the most interesting parts of that re- markable country.
[As Portugal is a country without roads, and pretty much without hostels, where the traveller often has to quarter himself upon a farmer or a priest, and sometimes to carry his own provisions even down to bread, it follows that it is not a very attractive region for those who like to "take their ease in their inn." Even the enterprising Mr. Murray does not venture a "Handbook for Lusitania," but confines himself to a few general hints, and to an itinerary or brief sketch of some forty tours, which the adven- turous lover of the picturesque with patience, pluck, time, and money, may make in that country ; and if he has not all these qualifications, lie had better stop at home or go elsewhere. The particular directions are briefly indeed, ndeed, brevity is the characteristic of the Portuguese part of the volume. If we reckon type instead of pages, as much is devoted to Mr. Murray's book-list as to the land of port-wine.]
Murray's Handbook for Belgium and the Rhine. With Travelling Map. Switzerland and Savoy. With a Map. (Bogue's Guides for Travellers ) [Publications often indicate the season, or what ought to be the season' as well as the almanack : the appearance of guidebooks tells the world that the good time for holydays and excursions is come. Mr. Murray's Belgium and the Rhine is an extract from his larger "Handbook for Travellers on the Continent," with all the information adapted to that common tour, and pub- lished at a much less price, and, what is as important, occupying a much less space. Mr. Bogue's second volume of "Guides for Travellers" relates to Switzerland and Savoy; and resembles his Belgium and the Rhine in the clever selection of the matter, the clearness with which it is presented, and the compact form of the volume.] The Portable Folio Family Bate. The Holy Bible with the Commen-
taries of Scott and Henry, condensed by the Reverend John Eadie, D.D., LLD., Professor of Biblical literature to the United Presbyte- rian Church ; and containing upwards of four thousand Notes Criti- cal and Explanatory, selected from the great Standard Authors, of Europa and America, by the Reverend Walter M`Gilvray, D.D., Min- ister of Free St. Mark's Church, Glasgow.
[A goodly folio; containing a well-printed text with copious references, brief critical or explanatory notes selected from various authors, and the commentaries of Scott and Henry condensed. The bulk of the commenta- ries is Evangelical in doctrine, and Nonconformist in manner. The preface recites the story of the book, and seems to add another case to the curiosi- ties of law. The publisher, Mr. /1141'hun of Glasgow, bought the stereotype plates of the Family Bible of "the Scottish Free Bible Press Company " ; but when he announced an edition with a practical commentary added, he found he was not to be allowed to print from the plates he had bought, and a Scotch court of law confirmed this view. The statement is ex-parte, but as it stands fact seems to be stranger than fiction.] The Laurel and the Palm. By Mrs. Challice, Author of "The Village School Fête."
[To impress the necessity of religion, and the impropriety of marriages against the consent of "heads of houses," is the object of Mrs. Challice's tale. This is not effected with any in of matter or didactics. An un- reasonable pertinacity in anger originating n disappointment causes unhap- piness in one case, which is overcome by a divine ; in another, disparity of circumstances is the obstacle, which is relieved by the usual resource of an uncle from India. But though the matter is not very new or the moral very well based, there is knowledge of life, variety of character, and in- cidental lessons of prudence, displayed in the conduct of the story. The style is fresh and elegant, though the writing is sometimes too conspicuously laboured.] Money and its Influence; a Tale. Tninalated from the German by a Lady, - for the benefit of a fund for rebuilding a London Hospital.
[A. tale to show the ill effects of riches in hardening the heart. The weaver Martin is poor, honest, and seemingly kindhearted : he becomes rich, and then turns avaricious, grasping, and cruel, practising upon his men the same oppressions as he smarted under from his master. An attempt upon his life by an exasperated workman, and a fire which destroys his property, restore him to his old state of genial feeling towards others. The moral is somewhat onesided. The incidents and persons, offering a picture of Ger- man life, or at least of Hoffmann's ideas of it, impart a degree of freshness to tho tale.]
Sophocles, Explained by F. W. Schneidewin. 'Part IV. CEdipus at
Colonus, with English Notes. Translated from the German by the Reverend Henry Browne, M.A. (Arnold's School Classics.)
An Elementary Introduction to Mineralogy, by the late William Phil- lips. New edition, with extensive alterations and additions, by H. J. Brooke, F.R.S., F.G.S., and W. H. Miller, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., Pro- lessor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge.
_A Treatise on investments: being a popular Exposition of the Advan- tages and Disadvantages of each kind of Investment, and of its liability to depreciation and loss. By Robert Arthur Ward, Solicitor, Maiden- head, Berkshire. Second edition, greatly enlarged.
Series of Tracts on British Topography, History, Dialects, &c. Nos. L, II., IV., and VII.
[A Series of tracts relating to the local history, manners, dialects, &c. of the counties of Great Britain, to be printed from manuscripts, or rare and early tracts. With the exception of a light ballad on the installation of theTarl of Northumberland as a Knight Of the Garter in 1636, the numbers Sent to us have only a limited provincial or antiquarian attraction ; but some of the series, if a judgment may be formed from their titles, have a wider interest.]
.A Series of Designs for Gothic Monuments, Churchyard Crosses, Se- krat Slabs, and Head Crosses; together with Remarks on some Modern Erections and their assumed connexion with Ecclesiastical Buildings, &c. By John Gibbs, Architect and Sculptor.
[A neat quarto, with a dozen lithographic prints, each containing from two to four specimens of Gothic monuments, crosses, and slabs, for imitation or copying, by church-architects and monument-designers. The selection is made rather in the High Church spirit, but is guided by good taste. A brief introduction indicates the principles on which the designer should rely. The book is covered with dark cloth, and the leaves are edged with red ; so that, in spite of its excellently gilt lettering, it has much of a medimval look. Many country designers of monuments would be safe in copying the examples in this book.] The Burial Service.
[A largish print in aquatint, imitating a slightly-shaded washed drawing, and representing a funeral group listening to the burial-service in a country churchyard. A fair use is made of the funeral costume as drapery for artistic effect. The whole is graceful, simple, and impressive. The designer may be one of those lady artists who exhibit so much truthful feeling and artistic earnestness.] Pexenurra.
France and Austria in Central Italy. By Miles Thomas Lord Beau- mont.
Speech of Viscount Jocelyn H.P. in the House of Commons, on the Case of the Atneers of Upper <d., June 23, 1852.
The Claims of Truth and Unity, considered in a Charge to the Clergy of Dublin, Glandalagb, and Kildare, delivered July 1862. By Richard Whately, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin.
Sketch of the Life of Charles Fourier, Introductory to his Treatise on the Human Soul, now published by subscription. By Reverend John Reyna' Morell.
Practical Experience at the Diggings of the Gold-fields of Victoria. By William H. Hall, fourteen years resident in Australia.
The Great Crisis.
Plan of .Economy for Government Farming, Manufactures, and Trade. The Betting-Book. By George Cruikshank. With Cuts.