21 AUGUST 1852, page 5


Wednesday wound up the proceedings at Six-mile Bridge, with an un- looked for verdict. Out of the misty depositions which have been taken in evidence during the fourteen days'......


Preparations are in progress at Holyrood Palace for the reception of the Queen ; who proposes to sleep . there on the night of the 31st instant, and to leave Edinburgh next......

Tbt Vrnuiurm

Archa3ology has of late years attracted marked attention from anti- quaries of all ranks, and the annual meeting of the British Archreological Association becomes an event of......

Fortigu Nub Tutinura.

FRANCE.—Napoleon in the day of his power determined that his "idle" should be celebrated on the 15th of August; wherefore his imita- tive nephew, Louis Napoleon seized the......