Parliament did meet "on the 20th of August" after all
t.—by a fiction. Yesterday, the Duke of Northumberland and Lord Howard de Walden presented themselves in the House of Lords ; when, exactly at two o'clock, the Lord Chancellor entered, and standing before the Throne, said—"My Lords, her Majesty has been pleased, under her writ sent under the great seal, to prorogue Parliament until Thursday the 21st Of-October next."
-The House of Commons, having been duly summoned 'by the Black Rod, was represehted by Mr. ley, the Assistant Clerk, and other officers of the House; and in their ftesence the writ of prorogation was read by Mr. Shaw Lefevre, Deputy Clerk of Parliament. The Lord Chancellor boired to Mr. Ley, and the Commons withdrew. The ceremony occupied about five minutes.
Mr. George Cornewall Lewis has been put up for the vacancy at Peter- borough. Yesterday he addressed an assemblage in the Corn Exchange; who received him with hooting and hissing. The main part of his speech was di- rected against the shuffling conduct of the Derby Ministry, and to the support of Free-trade principles. So far he carried his hearers with him; but when he made a qiielified objection to the Ballot, defended the Maynooth grant, and apologized for Church-rates, he was met by cries, not disor- derly, but decidedly hostile. A resolution was carried by a large ma- jority, asserting that the meeting, "being of opinion that the political views -of Mr. Cornewall Lewis are not in accordance with those entertained by the constituency, did not consider him entitled to the support of the Libe- ral electors." Mr. Lewis, however, still declared himself a candidate.