The Earl and Countess of Eglinton visited the Royal College
in Gal- way on Wednesday, accompanied by all the notable persons in the town. An address was presented by the President to the Lord-Lieutenant; who made suitable reply, and wound up with this emphatic sentence— "I have no hesitation in saying that the secular education in Ireland is the best I have ever seen in any country; and I cannot but confidently hope that, if persevered in, it will not only diffuse krePidedge and enlightenment, but establish a more healthy tone in the conduct and feelings of a people who are well worthy of a brighter destiny." In the evening, a grand banquet, attended by upwards of four hundred gentlemen' over whom the Duke of Leinster presided, was given in hon- our of the Lord-Lieutenant. After the removal of the cloth, the Countess of Eglinton and upwards of three hundred ladies took their seats as spec- tators. In responding to the toast "Health to the Lord-Lieutenant and Prosperity to Ireland," the Earl of Eglinton gave some good advice to his audience. He did not come there as a politician, but as the Vice- roy of Ireland, and to instil the maxims of peace and good-will. The colour of their crops was of far more importance than the colour of their flags. Real prosperity was based on the proper cultivation of the soil. Let them then cultivate their soil, reclaim their waste lands, manure their fields, cultivate the flax crop, turnips, mangoldo—let them only be at peace with each other—(Cheers)—and they would soon see the tall chim- nies, the busy factories, the heavy trains, and the laden ships, follow. (Cheers.) The merchandise of the world would fill their bays ; and the waters of Lough Corrib, which would meet those of the ocean on the fol- lowing day, would carry down the commerce of the interior. (Cheers.)
He warmly denied that the character Of the people unfitted them for happiness or greatness. They were keen in their perceptions, and no children in the world showed so much cleverness and docility as the chil- dren of the Galway Model School. No soil was richer; no climate more genial ; no country more free. What then was it ?—
There was no doubt but Ireland's miseries were to be traced to disunion and strife among her children—(Cheers)—to the turbulence which prevented the employment of her industry, the development of her resources, and the outlay of capital. If her children would live together as brethren instead of foes—if they would be true to themselves and their country—they would hear no more of Ireland's sorrows or difficulties; and the Atlantic would cease to bear so many homeless wanderers upon its waves. (Cheers.)
He pledged himself to keep the straight path of impartiality as a ruler, with conscience for his guide. There was a great deal of speaking ; and before the party broke up the display of feeling was very hearty.
Lord and Lady Palmerston have been this week at Lissadell, the seat of Sir Robert Gore Booth; and at Markree Castle, belonging to Mr. Ed- ward Cooper.
The impartial Jury who have found the Magistrate and soldiers guilty of wilful murder in the affair of Six-mile Bridge, have appended the fol- lowing resolution to their verdict—
"In delivering our verdict, we feel bound to express our strong disappro- bation of the practice which commits to Magistrates (members of a commit- tee of any candidate at a contested election, or in any other matter connected with rival candidates) the conduct or control of an armed force; and we strongly recommend, that when such a measure shall in future be deemed necessary, the guidance of troops shall be only intrusted to Stipendiary Ma- gistrates, directly responsible to the Government and the public for their acts.
"Dated at Six-mile Bridge, this 18th day of August 1852."
The eight soldiers have been lodged in Ennis Gaol ; the camp at Six- mile Bridge has been broken up, and the troops marched back to Limerick.
One of the mob engaged in the riot at Six-mile Bridge has been arrested. Informations were preferred on Thursday against Father Bourke, Father Clune and others, for wilfully inciting the people to attack the troops. Mr. O'Brien, the Stipendiary, was advised not to accept the informations without first taking the opinion of the Government. What the Castle would say was not known at a late hour last night.
An inquiry has been or will be shortly ordered by tho Irish Government into the conduct of Mr. Kirwan, a Stipendiary Magistrate of the county of Mayo during the recent election. He is charged with having delivered a party judgment in connexion with some riotous proceedings at Ballina. So that we may expect another deluge of Irish evidence.
Lismore Castle, according to the Cork Reporter, was burned to the ground on Thursday night. The records of the family are reported to be safe. Lismore Castle is now the property of the Duke of Devonshire.