The able correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette who writes
from Barcelona declares—he is a Conservative witness—that the Spaniards are utterly disgusted with their system of justice, and will remedy it, if no other remedy is obtainable, by Lynch law. Even criminal justice is corrupt, men lingering out their lives waiting for trial because the judge will not admit them to bail without a bribe. In Andalusia a kind of territorial socialism prevails, produced by overgrown estates and absentee landlordism. Four men own most of the province, and the biggest of them lives his life in St. Petersburg. Brigandage is beginning to prevail everywhere, Prim has ordered all Generals to shoot Carlists, and has promoted two officers who murdered nine persons who had fowling-pieces, but were not resisting or attacking in any way. Add that the Treasury is insolvent, the parties without leaders, and the trees coming down so fast that there is a drought every three years, and our readers may have a faint idea of the state of Spain. It is the Red Revolution which is coming there.