Occupations Of A Retired La By Edward Garrett (strahan), Has
reached a second edition. It is a pleasant story, which would be better perhaps without its controversial tinge, of a City merchant, who retires to his native place, and helped......
Szruoas.—the Son Of Man: Discourses On The Humanity Of Jesus
Christ. By Frank Conlin, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—Dr. Conlin is a minister of the National Church of Geneva. His sermons are of the French type, and written with a......
The Theory Of Ocular Defects And Of Spectacles. From The
German of Dr. Hermann Schaller. By Robert B. Carter, F.R.O.S. (Longmans.)— This book is of too technical a character to be discussed in these columns, but we may briefly call......
Only An Earl. By The Countess Pisani. 3 Vols. (hurst
and Blackett.)—The reader will not, at all events, complain that these volumes are scantily provided with incident. On the contrary, events of the most harrowing kind abound.......
"HUNDREDS of volumes," says Mr. Dircks, " have been written professing to enlighten us on the subject of nature, without ad- vancing a single available process to attain the......
Cottage Plans. By The Earl Of Cawdor. (ridgway.)—a Very...
book, which may, we trust, do something towards the object for which Lord Cawdor has put it together, the improvement of the dwellings of the agricultural poor. It contains......
Married. By Mrs. T. C. Newby. 3 Vols. (newby.)—mrs. Newby
tells us in her first volume how her heroine came to be married, and in her second and third how, being married, she behaved herself. The attempt to enter this great region of......
Current Literature.
A History of the Early Church. By the Rev. J. Pryce, M.A. (Long- mans.)—This is a manual, written from the point of view of a High Churchman, but moderate in tone, and fairly......