The German Governments are evidently seriously moved by the projects
imputed to the Pope. They believe that the (Ecumenical Council will modify the Syllabus so as to refuse to the State all control over the Catholic clergy. So grave is this danger con- sidered, that the Bavarian Government has entered into a league with the Prussian to resist any innovation in this sense, and Prince Hohenlohe is furiously attcaked in Rome as a traitor to Catholicism. It is affirmed semi-officially that the league covers all Germany, and that the Governments are determined not to recede one step. According to the Roman correspondent of the Kreuz Zeitung, it has been finally decided to proclaim the personal infallibility of the Pope and the bodily assumption of the Virgin. To the second dogma the Governments make no objection, but they dread, and will, we imagine, secretly resist, the first. An infallible priest might authorize resistance to a civil law.