The very frank statement which M. Radoslavoff, the Bulgarian Premier,
has made to an American interviewer as to the price of Bulgarian neutrality or intervention in the war makes it no longer possible to say that no one knows exactly what Bulgaria wants. Her requirements are explicit enough ; the only question that remains is whether they can be met with the consent of the other Balkan States. M. Radoslavoff's statement, which was published by the United Press in America on Thursday week, declares that Bulgaria is 'willing to take part in the war as soon as she is assured that her national ambitions will be satisfied. In the most out- spoken way M. Radoslavoff admits that be has been negotia- ting with both sides in the war to find out which would offer him the better terms. Bulgaria requires "absolute guarantees" that the parts of Macedonia which she claims primarily from-Serbia and secondarily from Greece shall be
handed over to her. Meanwhile the Quadruple Entente have asked Bulgaria to come into the war ; Germany and Austria have asked only for her continued neutrality.