The Sle Of Care. [to This Editor , Ow This
" SPECTATOR."1 SIR, —I would suggest, if I may, to " a L. G. " another correction (besides the one contained in the Spectator of the 14th inst,) in his poem " Nairnshire......
(to The Editor. Or The "tisscraros."1 Sir,—" C. L. D. "
is quite right. To object to the obvious improvements which have years ago been made in the great hymn "0 God, our help " is pure pedantry. But he must not believe that Watts......
Longs And Shorts. [to Thu Editor Or The 4 ' Srscrrato1.":1
Srn,—I am surprised that in this correspondence no one has reproduced the possibly exaggerated translations credited to a. fatuous Head-Master. I used to hear of them at......
A Memorial To The Over-sea Troops.
[TO TIT EDITOR Or TUX " SYXCIA Slit,—A. Canadian member of the Over-Seas Club, Mr. Fans Sewell, first suggested the charming idea of planting maple seeds round the graves of......
The Economy Of The Hors D ' Ceuvre.
[To Ills Emiroa or Tli• " SYKOTATOR."1 Sin,—In your review of Home Cookery in firer Time in last week's issue you say that you do not feel quite certain that the practice of......
" Skoff " Or " Scoff" P [to Tea Editor Or Tall
"sracrxeroa."/ Srn,—The word used by "Ignottie " in his letter on " The Victoria League Club " in the Spectator of August 14th, signifying food, should be spelt " Scoff " not "......
Dr. Watts ' S Hymns.
ETo as EDITOR OF TIE " EINCCTATOIL") Si a,—Islay I, in view of the correspondence upon Dr. Watts ' s noble hymn, "O God, our help in ages past, " say that the use of the Church,......