MO TNT EDITOR OF Tea "Srscmos.") SIR,—This Committee has already issued leaflets showing people why and how to save, and, still more practical, has also published a cookery-book, price ld., giving excellent advice and recipes for cheap, nourishing, and inviting dishes —a book invaluable to all those who are not acquainted with food-values, and who rely almost exclusively on meat as the essential of a good dinner. I have tried the first recipe, and have had a most satisfying meal for as many pence as the middle-class household sometimes gets for shillings. But bow many people have either the leaflets or the book P In the city perhaps most, but out in the country very few (though the leaflets lie on the bank counter), and I have found no one who knows of the cookery-book. It was by a mere accident I read of it, and I had to order it through my city bookseller. Now, is it not possible, even easy, for every Parish Council and Town Council to see to it that these leaflets (whirr can be had for the asking) are put into the hands of every house- holder, at the same time offering the cookery-book for sale and urging its purchase P The Committee has a huge task before it, and time is precious. Surely its preliminary work could be made effective and thorough without delay in some such simple fashion. Voluntary workers, as on flag days, would be happy to give their services.—I am, Sir, &a, ANXIOUS PATRIOT.