21 AUGUST 1915, Page 18


[TO TIM EDITOR OF TITS " SPROTATOR.1 SIR,—We should ho very pleased to invite convalescent officers needing rest. and change of air to stay at this country rectory. The surroundings are very pretty, the air exceedingly healthy, and the house and garden largo. Although we cannot offer great luxury, such as, perhaps, some of your other readers are in a position to ,give, we shall be more than pleased to do all that lies in our power to give a quiet, restful holiday to any who are in need of one, with absolute freedom and cheerful companionship—I am, Sir, &c.,


[Letters should he addressed, not to the Editor or Manager, but to "North Wilts," care of the Spectator, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, W.C.—En. Spectator.]