Here it may he added that, according to a Rotterdam
correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, a Zeppelin, which had infringed the neutrality of the Netherlands by flying over the Zuyder Sea and remaining over Dutch territory for an hour, was fired on with guns and rifles by the Dutch on Wednesday. The week has been also marked by con- siderable submarine activity in home waters, the Adriatic, and the Aegean. The Italians have sunk another Austrian sub- marine, the fifth they have accounted for, leaving only six remaining. On the other hand, the British auxiliary cruiser 'India,' engaged in patrol work in the North Sea, was sunk on Sunday in the West Fjord—which has hitherto been always maintained to be Norwegian territorial waters; while another enemy submarine on Monday morning shelled several points on the coast railway at and near Whitehaven, without, however, causing any serious damage or loss of life.